Is this racist

Utter rubbish, the UK is one of the least racist countries in the world.
Based on your personal experiences? :rolleyes:

“The racist violence we are now seeing on our streets has been preceded by an intense period of scapegoating refugees and migrants by politicians and others – in dangerous rhetoric and policy. I hope those who spread that rhetoric look on the consequences of their words and learn.

Gradually, the politics of race and immigration became intertwined with one another to the extent that during the period 1950-1981, every single piece of immigration or citizenship legislation was designed at least in part to reduce the number of people with black or brown skin who were permitted to live and work in the UK. The complex history of the British Empire explains why race and racism as political and social issues developed as they did in the UK; the actions of postwar governments explain the state of play in the twenty-first century – of which the deep-rooted racism of the Windrush Scandal is a symptom.
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A handful of people on this forum can hardly represent the UK as a whole.

The 5 biggest countries in the World, for a start, are far worse than we are....Russia/China/India/Africa/USA.
You have personal experience of racism in those countries, to compare with your personal experience of racism in UK? :rolleyes:

Racism isn't some kind of an issue on an Objective List, where 1st place is something to be smug about.

Racism is a cancer in society, it divides it, it decimates parts of it, and it causes death and immense grief for many.

Some argue that inequality in society creates racism, but I say racism creates inequality. Inequality determines one's life's chances and socio-economic outlook, which in turn crates further inequality.
it's a circular cause and effect. We cannot effect the inequality without eradicating racism.

But many want to maintain the inequality so they promote racism as a means to an end.
But racism doesn't just stop at creating and reinforcing inequality, it continues to enlarge and aggravate it, turning it in to a monster that seeks ever new victims.
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More silliness, do some research on the countries/continent I posted.
It was your claim, it's down to you to provide evidence to support your claim.
It's not responsibility to disprove something which you have failed to demonstrate. :rolleyes:
More silliness, do some research on the countries/continent I posted.
Your claims are based on racism towards black people only.
Racism and race hatred in general is not only directed at black people.
Indeed, I would argue that racism towards brown skin people has rocketed recently, mostly motivated by the disgusting blame game played by the right-wing politicians.
Did you not read the thread at all ??

Have a look at my post...... 35 !!
Which links to
However, according to a 2019 EU survey, the prevalence of perceived racist harassment toward people of African descent in the UK was the second lowest among the 12 Western European countries surveyed.[8]
The Wikipedia report that you relied on takes its findings from the survey of racism towards black people.
Note the reference in the text: Number 8, which links to
Being Black in the EU
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I give up.

You are a Google monster when looking for links to back up your own ideologies.

Other wise you just go dumb.

No realistic chance of a reasoned debate with you.......Bye Bye.
Wow, I first joined diynot over 20 years ago, but oh my.
What a bunch of opiniated plonkers it's got now.
All I wanted was an honest opinion of an object I was trying to sell on eBay
Apart from being accused of using it as a pretext to start a racist discussion by an ignorant individual, who doesn't know my circumstances, the majority of the rest did exactly what he accused me off and went off on a rant.
No wonder the forum is on the decline.
Last time I heard this much drivel it came from the mouth of Trump.
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