Is this racist

Wow, I first joined diynot over 20 years ago, but oh my.
What a bunch of opiniated plonkers it's got now.
All I wanted was an honest opinion of an object I was trying to sell on eBay
Apart from being accused of using it as a pretext to start a racist discussion by an ignorant individual, who doesn't know my circumstances, the majority of the rest did exactly what he accused me off and went off on a rant.
No wonder the forum is on the decline.
Last time I heard this much drivel it came from the mouth of Trump.
We're I'm not argumentative, and it was just under twenty years ago that you joined.
So get your facts right. ;)
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You've certainly got me heated. Read the bloody thing and you will see it's a genuine enquiry. I had already made enquiries elsewhere to see if it did or didn't meet with current acceptance of what is or is not acceptable. Sounds like you are a bit of a sh/stir###
And it didn't occur to you just to have a quick look at the platform itself for similar items?

I could go on with more examples ... a lot more ;)
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And it didn't occur to you to give me this information in the first place, instead of making an insinuation about my intentions
And it didn't occur to you to give me this information in the first place, instead of making an insinuation about my intentions
What information? Searching for similar products on the very platform you intend to put the item on? You need people to point this out to you as a first step?!?
But you said........

But Racism exists the whole world over, the UK is more tolerant than you think.

Here's a little light reading to put Racism in the UK, into perspective.

Try China and the Uyghurs, first.

I can't do anything about china. And nobody is supporting them. But it's not a competition

I can do something about racism in the uk. As can you. Accepting it happens is step 1.

Doing nothing because somewhere else is worse isn't the way forward.

We have a siege mentality. Even down to not attempting to speak other languages, but expecting everybody to speak English.

Once you accept that people are just people and skin colour or place of birth doesn't matter, you begin to see better what goes on daily.
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