Israel killing babies and children by disease as well as starvation

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I have, it's in the Telegraph and on Youtube. Job done, and information busted.
Came from here, "ITCT is an int'l think tank countering the narratives of Islamist Terrorism, providing in-depth research reports & consultancy services".
In 2009, Israel bombed sewage works

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Seems to be a pattern, doesn't there?

Accident? My asre.
Came from here, "ITCT is an int'l think tank countering the narratives of Islamist Terrorism, providing in-depth research reports & consultancy services".
The International Institute for Counter-Terrorism (ICT) is a conservative Israeli think tank founded in 1996 and located at Reichman University, in Herzliya, Israel.

Filly's article in the Telegraph is well busted, Israeli propaganda, relied on by filly. :rolleyes:

One Iranian security official said Hamas now had at least three underground factories to produce rockets in Gaza.
In the conflict's final days, Islamic Jihad leader Ziad Al-Nakhala boasted about his group's ability to improvise weapons from everyday materials.
"The silent world should know that our weapons, by which we face the most advanced arsenal produced by American industry, are water pipes that engineers of the resistance turned into the rockets that you see," he said on Wednesday.
"Maher Najjar, the Deputy Director of Gaza’s Coastal Municipalities Water Utility, confirmed in a telephone interview from his home in Gaza on Friday that “one of the earthen shoulders of a sewage lagoon of the main treatment plant in Gaza City had received two hits from F-16s, the shoulder was damaged, and 500,000 cubic meters of raw sewage spilled out.”
"On 10 January, one of the sewage lagoons at the Gaza treatment plant, the third one, was hit by Israeli shelling, and the sewage has started to seep into nearby areas. The spillway has reached one kilometer, meaning that the sewage is already running one kilometer past the lagoon, contaminating homes and farmland nearby, which is highly dangerous for residents. There is an additional danger of contamination of the drinking water, if sewage leaks into the valves of the water network. We had given the coordinates of the plant and lagoons to the Israeli military, through the ICRC [International Committee of the Red Cross], and asked that it not be hit.”
"The CMWU also reported that the Electrical Control Room was damaged, and fuel storage tanks were vandalized by Israeli forces. The 3,000 liter diesel storage tanks were “dragged and thrown into basin no. 1,” resulting in “polluting the ground water.” In addition, the Damage Assessment stated that “Israeli bulldozers have deliberately damaged the entire electrical poles base and some manholes,” and added that there were at least four air strikes along the route of the sewage installation lines."

One Iranian security official said Hamas now had at least three underground factories to produce rockets in Gaza.
In the conflict's final days, Islamic Jihad leader Ziad Al-Nakhala boasted about his group's ability to improvise weapons from everyday materials.
"The silent world should know that our weapons, by which we face the most advanced arsenal produced by American industry, are water pipes that engineers of the resistance turned into the rockets that you see," he said on Wednesday.
o improvise weapons from everyday materials.
So filly interprets that claim that Hamas uses new pipes, newly laid, dug up for using as rockets.
It's a terrible shame that filly does not take his own advice.
You could always fact check it.

Filly obviously couldn't or wouldn't fact check it . Why would he, it's Israeli propaganda, to be believed above all else, even against logical reason.
The Palestinian coast is on the med. I swim in the med when I’m in France, Spain and Italy.
If you're so concerned, use the swimming pools. :rolleyes:
You won't be missed. :giggle:
If I ever see the Tourist Offices asking where is Mottie, I'll let you know. :ROFLMAO:

And don't swim in the sea around UK. :ROFLMAO:

And you're paying them to pump sewage into the sea around UK. :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:
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