Israel killing babies and children by disease as well as starvation

I see the pro-genocide crew are working hard to distract attention from the topic.

"Israel killing babies and children by disease as well as starvation"​

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The Palestinian coast is on the med. I swim in the med when I’m in France, Spain and Italy.
Do you seriously believe that sewage entering the Med off the coast of the middle east, will affect your swimming in France Spain or Italy?

Which do you think will affect you more: Pollutants from Gaza or more local pollutants, whilst swimming in France Spain or Italy?

Seriously Mottie, you say some fugging stupid things.
Do you seriously believe that sewage entering the Med off the coast of the middle east, will affect your swimming in France Spain or Italy?

Which do you think will affect you more: Pollutants from Gaza or more local pollutants, whilst swimming in France Spain or Italy?

Seriously Mottie, you say some fugging stupid things.
Don't underestimate the ability of stupid people to do or say stupid things.
Was he attempting to sneer at people whose civilisation, culture and sewage works have been destroyed by the State of Israel's racist genocide?

That indicates racist hatred.

Stupidity is optional.
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Do you seriously believe that sewage entering the Med off the coast of the middle east, will affect your swimming in France Spain or Italy?

Which do you think will affect you more: Pollutants from Gaza or more local pollutants, whilst swimming in France Spain or Italy?

Seriously Mottie, you say some fugging stupid things.
Seriously Nosey, you believe some fugging stupid things. I thought you were playing along when you suggested the Adriatic instead.
Don't underestimate the ability of stupid people to do or say stupid things.


'No, they were taken from their homes, their relatives, neighbours and friends possibly killed in the process. The family made destitute and homeless in the process.'

'No, they were taken from their homes, their relatives, neighbours and friends possibly killed in the process. The family made destitute and homeless in the process.'
How would you suggest they were killed?
According to OCHA, Israeli forces killed 493 Palestinians, mostly civilians, during operations against armed groups in Jenin and Nablus. Over 12,500 were injured.

Defence for Children International-Palestine reported that Israeli forces killed 110 children in the West Bank including Jerusalem in 2023.

Or perhaps you could show how the ones killed were bystanders, or someone just passing by, in the middle of an ongoing killing spree. :rolleyes:

Don't underestimate the ability of stupid people to do or say stupid things.
Never,... in the history of DIYnot,... has so few words ever been more truer ....of a few posters,.... proving what so many already thought. (said in a Churchillian voice) :giggle:
How would you suggest they were killed?

Or perhaps you could show how the ones killed were bystanders, or someone just passing by, in the middle of an ongoing killing spree. :rolleyes:

Never,... in the history of DIYnot,... has so few words ever been more truer ....of a few posters,.... proving what so many already thought. (said in a Churchillian voice) :giggle:

Your link doesn't reference 'friends, relatives and neighbours being killed' whilst arrests were made. It references Palestinians being killed
'during operations against armed groups in Jenin and Nablus.'

See the difference?
Your link doesn't reference 'friends, relatives and neighbours being killed' whilst arrests were made. It references Palestinians being killed
'during operations against armed groups in Jenin and Nablus.'

See the difference?
You're obviously having trouble reading:
According to OCHA, Israeli forces killed 493 Palestinians, mostly civilians, during operations against armed groups in Jenin and Nablus. Over 12,500 were injured.
Defence for Children International-Palestine reported that Israeli forces killed 110 children in the West Bank including Jerusalem in 2023
On 5 June, Mohammed al-Tamimi, aged three, succumbed to his wounds after being shot by Israeli forces

Where do you think these civilian appeared from, beamed in from outer space, random passer-by, tourists come to watch the killing? :rolleyes:
And do you think the children were all child soldiers, including the babes in arms?

You're denying the blatantly obvious in order to justify, tin your own mind, , your support for Israeli war crimes and crimes against humanity.
If you ever realise that Israel is committing genocide, your whole world-view and ideology crumbles.

And IDF get away with the murder of children and civilians.
No criminal investigation was opened.
You're obviously having trouble reading:

Where do you think these civilian appeared from, beamed in from outer space, random passer-by, tourists come to watch the killing? :rolleyes:
And do you think the children were all child soldiers, including the babes in arms?

You're denying the blatantly obvious in order to justify, tin your own mind, , your support for Israeli war crimes and crimes against humanity.
If you ever realise that Israel is committing genocide, your whole world-view and ideology crumbles.

And IDF get away with the murder of children and civilians.

I've no trouble reading it at all. It doesn't prove your earlier, made up nonsense comment that when Palestinians are arrested, the forces involved the go on to kill the neighbours, relatives and friends of whoever was arrested.
I've no trouble reading it at all. I
It is obvious that you just refuse to read the report:
On 5 and 6 April, Israeli forces beat men, women and children worshipping at Al-Aqsa mosque in Jerusalem, inflaming religious tensions. They arrested at least 450 Palestinians on the mosque esplanade, later released barefoot and beaten.

Torture and other ill-treatment increased after 7 October, with at least six prisoners dying in unclarified circumstances, according to the Public Committee against Torture. Israeli soldiers beat Palestinians while detaining them in the street in Gaza
You can deny the blatantly obvious in convincing yourself, the reported behaviour did not happen, to save your own sanity.
The genocide, torture, rape, imprisonment inflicted by Israel against Palestinians is real, and happening now.
It's obvious to most other rational people.
when Palestinians are arrested, the forces involved the go on to kill the neighbours, relatives and friends of whoever was arrested.
I see you've twisted my comment to suit your blatant denial of reality
No, they were taken from their homes, their relatives, neighbours and friends possibly killed in the process. The family made destitute and homeless in the process.
See the difference?
You're being deceitful in your arguments, making claims that are easily proven to be untrue.
But it's expected of you. :rolleyes:
You clearly are having trouble reading. :giggle:
Or your being deceitful intentionally.
Which is it? :rolleyes:
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