Israel killing babies and children by disease as well as starvation

Surely not.

'42 Knees in One Day': Israeli Snipers Open Up About Shooting Gaza Protesters​

Over 200 Palestinians were killed and nearly 8,000 were injured during almost two years of weekly protests at the Israel-Gaza border. Israeli army snipers tell their stories"
Hmm. ''. I wonder who's side they are on? :unsure:

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I read that the Palestinians are flushing their untreated shìt into the med. Disgusting, we all have to swim in that when we're on holiday.
I've read every available outlet. I'm aware of the arrests and I'm aware that if the arrests are 'terror' related,
Nonsense, some are released, after a substantial period of time, after torture, etc proving their arrests were unjustified in the beginning.
But not the official ones from UN agencies. :rolleyes:
standard procedure appears to be the destruction of their homes. That the IDF then automatically kill their relatives, neighbours and friends was a bit of an eye opener, I'd go as far as to say I'm shocked.
You're a firm believer in Israeli propaganda
Do you have a link?
Israeli authorities deepened the apartheid system oppressing Palestinians in Israel and the Occupied Palestinian Territories, by implementing laws and policies of segregation, deprivation and forced displacement.
State-backed settler violence increased. In the Negev/Naqab in southern Israel, Israeli forces continued to demolish Bedouin homes and whole villages, including one village for the 222nd time. In the West Bank, Israeli policing operations were the most lethal since 2005, with 110 Palestinian children among those killed. Detentions of Palestinians without charge or trial reached record levels. Inside Israel, police sometimes used excessive force and arbitrary arrests at anti-government demonstrations, and imposed bans on anti-war protests in Palestinian communities. LGBTI people continued to face discrimination in law and practice.
Politicians who incited racial hatred, and proposed to annex Palestinian territory and forcibly deport Palestinians, were given military and policing responsibilities by the Benjamin Netanyahu government.

There's a lot of information in that link, too much to reproduce here.
But you won't accept it. You'll attempt to discredit it, excuse it, try to offer opposing propaganda from pro- Israeli sources. :rolleyes:
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I read that the Palestinians are flushing their untreated shìt into the med. Disgusting, we all have to swim in that when we're on holiday.
They can't, all the WCs, the pipes, the sewage works, the infrastructure has been destroyed by Israel.
Any standing water has been contaminated. Why do you think disease is breaking out in Gaza? :rolleyes:
We do? The Adriatic coast was a clear as crystal. ;)
Might have to give that a go if the dirty bastards don’t clean up their act. Make you laugh, all they do is moan they are being picked on and persecuted but they don’t give two figs for us that just want an unpolluted swim in the med during our annual fortnight in the sun.
There's a lot of information in that link, too much to reproduce here.
But you won't accept it. You'll attempt to discredit it, excuse it, try to offer opposing propaganda from pro- Israeli sources.

Just a link to the bit where when making arrests, the IDF go on to kill the relatives, neighbours and friends of the person being arrested.
Surly it cant be difficult to provide a link specific to that.

Unless of course it's just something you made up.
Might have to give that a go if the dirty bastards don’t clean up their act. Make you laugh, all they do is moan they are being picked on and persecuted but they don’t give two figs for us that just want an unpolluted swim in the med during our annual fortnight in the sun.
You could always go to Spain, and collect your car that you've kept there illegally for 9 years. You remember, the one that you've issued fraudulent MOT certificates, and taken out fraudulent insurance, for the last 9 years.

The stupidest thing is that all that fraudulent behaviour was utterly pointless, the car is still being used illegally, your insurance is null and void.
And for a couple of hundred Euros you could have reregistered it and been perfectly legal. :rolleyes:
Just a link to the bit where when making arrests, the IDF go on to kill the relatives, neighbours and friends of the person being arrested.
Surly it cant be difficult to provide a link specific to that.

Unless of course it's just something you made up.
Obviously you didn't read the link, any of it:
According to OCHA, Israeli forces killed 493 Palestinians, mostly civilians, during operations against armed groups in Jenin and Nablus. Over 12,500 were injured.
How, or by whom do you think they were killed?
The article very clearly states Israeli forces killed 493 Palestinians, mostly civilians
Do you think they were strangers who happened to be passing? :rolleyes:

Do you seriously think I or the UN would fabricate such evidence? :rolleyes:
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