Israel..wouldn't we do the same? part2

As Linc's says. "Rules of Engagement" are pretty pointless anyway. My dad was in Suez all those years ago (very early 50's) On guard duty one night and the natives were shooting from outside the camp perimeter. Under RAF rules at the time, he was not allowed to shoot back. However if the natives had broken into the camp he was quite entitled to open fire with his automatic weapon. Needless to say, the natives knew this and stayed out of the camp.
The ones that did manage to enter the camp were dealt with accordingly.
Utterly stupid rules that cost the lives of many of our armed forces.

As for civilian casualties,, well I can't think of any war where there have not been any civilian casualties. Even with the technology available today, civilians will still become casualties, simply because we have the human factor in the equation.

Anyway a modern day scenario... You are a soldier manning a checkpoint somewhere in a war zone. A civilian approaches you, you ask them to halt, they carry on, you ask them to halt and still they keep on walking towards you.
Is the civilian,
A,,, Deaf?
B,,, Stupid?
C ,,, A suicide bomber?
D,,, A genuine refugee just trying to escape the rigours of war?

If your answer is A,B or D,How did you arrive at that conclusion?
If the answer is C, and you didn't open fire,,, Too late,, your already dead.
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So much for the Israeli 'offer' to pass on the aid... ;)


Israel says it is prepared to allow all the aid into Gaza, apart from cement and metal products - a sizeable proportion of the total shipment.

Apparently a lot of those 'metal products' are wheelchairs... :rolleyes:

Mind you, the Israeli's do have logic - no point rebuilding or helping the maimed, because no doubt they'll raise Gaza to the ground again and murder 'dangerous' people using 'metal products'..
do you get the feeling this situation isn't about to end in the near future?
None of them want a peaceful solution. It's not in their make-up.
Force or nothing is the order of the day, and innocents will suffer, as always
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None of them want a peaceful solution. It's not in their make-up.
Including it seems members of the Knesset opposed to hearing from an eye witness who is 'one of their own'...

Or maybe some of those members don't consider an Israeli Arab 'one of their own'?... ;)

You cannot reason with these people , they are devoid of common sense !
talk to someof the Israli's & they will tell you god gave them the land , there is no point continueing with any conversation you either except his reasoning , ignore him or shoot him !! The paistinion's alway's play the victim card nothing is ever there fault , they are responsible for nothing , there ruleing elite are crook's & gangster's who have embezeled million's in aid from there own people , the ordinary voting palestinian was warned by countless government's what would happen if these crook's (Hamas) got in , did they listen NO , now suffer the consequence's , you got what you voted for . The whole region exist's on hand out's/ aid !!
There has been a jewish population in what is now israel for a very long time. Yes, there were terrorist groups. There are terrorist groups in every disputed land in the world as far as I know.

This whole 'land stealing' thing is a bit of a myth though and doesn't really make sense. When does someone 'own' land and when do they not?

I mean...the land belonged to the ottoman empire before the british took over...

Closer to home, are we Normans? Angles? Saxons? Celts? Who stole the land from who? Is there a certain date that you would consider to be the time when ownership is decided?[/quote]there has been a jewish presence for a very long time in most countries on the planet .
There are approx 4.5 million Palestinian refugees and their descendents, the UN definition of a Palestinian refugee is a person who was resident in Palestine between 1946 and 1948 , almost a milion of these people were expelled from their homes in Palestine to make way for the new state of Israel, to 'encourage' the indigeneous population to leave the
zionists killed many civilians.
The zionist justification for all this mayhem is that god promised this land to them is the real myth.
The zionist justification for all this mayhem is that god promised this land to them is the real myth.
It's very sad when you think of the millions killed by those trying to prove that their mythical being is the best mythical being...
The zionist justification for all this mayhem is that god promised this land to them is the real myth.
It's very sad when you think of the millions killed by those trying to prove that their mythical being is the best mythical being...
Especially when we all know that mine is the only true myth and that one should forsake all other myths ;)
Closer to home, are we Normans? Angles? Saxons? Celts? Who stole the land from who? Is there a certain date that you would consider to be the time when ownership is decided?

nobody 'stole the land' from anyone. Weve been here back into the mists of time. The first invaders to this land were the Romans, but they didnt 'steal the land' although the did take tribute, demand tax and eventually we integrated them int our society.

Every now and then someone invaded us, but we integrated them into our society, or adopted theres. The Saxons, the Danes, the Normans.......

We did the same, we 'owned' the British Empire,, by colonising and taking over places like India.

Saying 'stole the land' implies you kill or remove the original inhabitants of the land. Thats isnt how it works, you conquer peoples, not lands. Even the invasion of the white man into the lands of the american indians was basically an exercise in conquering the indians, in order to settle their lands. Thats probably the nearest we ever got to stealing land.
You cannot reason with these people , they are devoid of common sense !
talk to someof the Israli's & they will tell you god gave them the land , there is no point continueing with any conversation you either except his reasoning , ignore him or shoot him !! The paistinion's alway's play the victim card nothing is ever there fault , they are responsible for nothing , there ruleing elite are crook's & gangster's who have embezeled million's in aid from there own people , the ordinary voting palestinian was warned by countless government's what would happen if these crook's (Hamas) got in , did they listen NO , now suffer the consequence's , you got what you voted for . The whole region exist's on hand out's/ aid !!
on the subject of crooks didnt robert maxwell who stole 300 million quid from British pensioners get a state funeral in Israel.
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