Labour MP landlord. Tenants not happy.

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I haven’t seen any other MP's of any party with unhappy tenants other than this Labour one though.
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People are complaining about a few ants.

The tenants are very lucky to have a wonderful Labour MP as their landlord
Labour MPs make wonderful landlords, they even include free ants with every tenancy

Tory MPs don’t give you any extras
Many years ago a 'ghetto town' sprung up on the backstreets of Northern Slough, garages in back gardens were converted into illegal residential lets for multiple occupancy by newly arrived Poles. A lot of press coverage put pressure on the council. Problem was, half of them were owned by Labour Councillors of Pakistani origin.

Many years ago a 'ghetto town' sprung up on the backstreets of Northern Slough, garages in back gardens were converted into illegal residential lets for multiple occupancy by newly arrived Poles. A lot of press coverage put pressure on the council. Problem was, half of them were owned by Labour Councillors of Pakistani origin.

A story you read in the Daily Mail
Ants and mould often down to tenants neglect. Not saying he is not a dodgy landlord but does seem like mud slinging exercise .
Blimey on the news tonight they are hinting at intimidation of the tenants and stating that he hasn’t got the correct licence for the flats the LBR brought in when he was the leader. Unbelievable!

"Here we have a situation where somebody who is the leader of Redbridge Council, which introduced a licensing scheme, which he told everybody else to sign up to, and he didn't do it himself," he said".

I’ll say it before Noseall does:

Filthy, dirty, hypocritical, regulation avoiding Labour scum.
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