Looking after our health

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Has all whats happened made you think that you need to change your life style...

No doubt most who have died were not as healthy as can be...

This is not going away and I believe could be a mild warning for whats coming in the future..

Improving our mental & physical health as well as our diet is surly a must from now on. ????????

Have any of you put some thought into this...?


But I've thought this many times, but struggled with weight my whole adult life.

Father with diabetes, cancer, high blood pressure, cholesterol, aunt died of cancer, grandfather died of heart disease, grandmother died of diabetes, other grandmother died of Alzheimer's, so been keen to improve health.

But struggle to overcome this.

Currently trying to lose weight again. No longer have the age or ability to do intensive workouts though.... So all down to diet ...
I rely on swimming as I cannot walk far.

I am struggling to lose weight and I have been told I have fatty liver disease and raised blood sugar....added to all my other woes.

It's all going horribly wrong, I mean more wrong at the moment.

I have a condition that causes fat to be laid on round the middle, which is a real concern. I have to inject a drug to combat it, but it does not seem to be working.

Must talk to my endocrinologist.
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But I've thought this many times, but struggled with weight my whole adult life.

Father with diabetes, cancer, high blood pressure, cholesterol, aunt died of cancer, grandfather died of heart disease, grandmother died of diabetes, other grandmother died of Alzheimer's, so been keen to improve health.

But struggle to overcome this.

Currently trying to lose weight again. No longer have the age or ability to do intensive workouts though.... So all down to diet ...

Jon like me I 5hink your a older Dad. Its important that we stay fit and healthy for our children.

I understand what your saying. The way I see it is if you improve your diet , I mean really take it serious , then your ability to exercise will improve. Both will improve moods and mentle health.

I've been lucky family wise. Dad is healthy at 84. He controls diabetes and other things well. Mum 83 still hoing but not as well.

My mums side (big family) I've lost two cousins in their 30s and a Auntie to cancer.
I rely on swimming as I cannot walk far.

I am struggling to lose weight and I have been told I have fatty liver disease and raised blood sugar....added to all my other woes.

It's all going horribly wrong, I mean more wrong at the moment.

I have a condition that causes fat to be laid on round the middle, which is a real concern. I have to inject a drug to combat it, but it does not seem to be working.

Must talk to my endocrinologist.

When I Australia I had border line Diabetes.
As a country they are on top of their game.
I was told to follow a low GI diet... Its easy once you know. It means eating one bread instead of another.
Buck what, quinoa instead of rice , or there are better rices than over. So on and so on.
The weight flowed off me, without going without. I love my food.

Australia is just behind America with itsobesity problem. Far worse than the UK.
But they are really on the ball. Try looking at websites from Australia.

I will say its easier to follow Gi in Australia for obvious reasons + everything in the supermarkets are labeled High, medium, low Gi.
Thank you, I will do that!

I hope you do. I dont follow it as much now. But do keep my eye on what Gi I eat..and generally eat healthy.. Yoga has done me well.. look at how that will help your weight.... Im not fit.
I love bread. Sourdough is a great option. It benefits your gut with probiotics as well as other benefits.
But can be hard to get. Lots of supermarkets don't make it in the correct way, so the benefits are not as good.
I love bread. Sourdough is a great option. It benefits your gut with probiotics as well as other benefits.
But can be hard to get. Lots of supermarkets don't make it in the correct way, so the benefits are not as good.
Sourdough is a healthier alternative to regular white or whole wheat bread. Although it has comparable nutrients, the lower phytate levels mean it is more digestible and nutritious. The prebiotics also help to keep your gut bacteria happy, and it may be less likely to spike blood sugar levels.13 Jun 2020
I rely on swimming as I cannot walk far.

I am struggling to lose weight and I have been told I have fatty liver disease and raised blood sugar....added to all my other woes.

It's all going horribly wrong, I mean more wrong at the moment.

I have a condition that causes fat to be laid on round the middle, which is a real concern. I have to inject a drug to combat it, but it does not seem to be working.

Must talk to my endocrinologist.
How old are you?
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