Looking after our health

Seems like the population do enough of that themselves

They do ... Diabetes is rife.. we all think of Australians as all being fit and slim...
The Pacific Islands are even fatter than the Americans.
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Have you been to the King Harold's head down the Crooked Mile?

There one of the owners is cunning Daniel Craig look alike...
He's Greek so the May have been some Adriatic crossing before you were born. Check him out

Bod Mate, I was after the chicks not the geezers.

Have you been to the Trent Park golf club nights Andy? Eye opening!!!
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I worked at Smithfield around the mid 90’s. Bloody freezing in there. Also was a real novelty that a couple of pubs were allowed to be open at 7am.
Does anyone know if Billingsgate is open as normal? My son wants to go back. He was fascinated last time.
My Brothers used to go to a few with mates.. I went on occasions. The last time there was 3 hags dolled up in sexy clothes that didn't fit their bodies..
I decided it was time to go home when the Ketchup Girls come on.... it wasn't nice.. but they really thought they had it...
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