Male Police can strip search a female.

No idea but the met guidance was apparently withdrawn in early 24, but the similar BTP has remained in force. They think that a biological "woman" is an identity, but a trans woman is a "gender" which gets protection as a protected characteristic. In other words a trans woman trumps a biological woman.
So you don't want trans officers to carry out searches? This is hard work...
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Literally ignoring the words written.
Indeed you are, like those small words in the bottom corner of the chart, i.e. "must be conducted in accordance with PACE Code C, Annex A, paragraph 11."

There will be no intimate searches by trans blokes. Not a prayer.

Anorak removal only.
So you don't want trans officers to carry out searches? This is hard work...
Its not what about i want. A female drug addict who has been raped and beaten up by her dealer/pimp should be spared the indignity or worse of an EIP by a biological bloke because she is a known offender.
should be spared the indignity or worse of an EIP by a biological bloke because she is a known offender.
Which wouldn't happen under the policy if she objected. But not allowing biological trans blokes to carry out intimate searches would solve it and I don't know why you just couldn't say that pages ago. By the way, I do have some sympathy with that opinion.
and beaten up by her dealer/pimp should be spared the indignity or worse of an EIP
Why would she be subject to an EIP if she has been beaten up though?
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How many, I don't know. I'm sure you could find out.
Do I know there are trans and non-binary blah blah etc etc.. Yes.
Which wouldn't happen under the policy if she objected. But not allowing biological trans blokes to carry out intimate searches would solve it and I don't know why you just couldn't say that pages ago. By the way, I do have some sympathy with that opinion.

Why would she be subject to an EIP if she has been beaten up though?
wtf is a biological trans bloke?
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