Male Police can strip search a female.

Have you read through it? There is zero chance of intimate searches being carried out by anyone that the suspect is uncomfortable with. Biking from the boatyard will get his boat captain to read it for him, on their next voyage. You can almost hear the head slap.
Interesting. So they can refuse and the warning given will be “You do not have to allow yourself to be searched, but I must warn you that if you refuse without good cause, your refusal may harm your case if it comes to trial.”

More safeguards.
So you are both ok with a person born a man, forcibly striping a person born a woman and looking at their gentiles.

but at least you now realise that a they can forcibly strip search and not
Anoraks and head-scarves only.
which you've repeated over and over.
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So you are both ok with a person born a man, forcibly striping a person born a woman and looking at their gentiles.
The safeguards in place will not let that happen, ever. Not a prayer. You stand more chance of winning the lottery jackpot four weeks on the bounce and with the same numbers.

It's just folly.

Anoraks and headscarves - a possibility.

at least you now realise that a they can forcibly strip search
which you've repeated over and over.
The 'rules' are clear as a bell. The chances of a person being born a man, forcibly stripping a woman and looking at her genitals are zero.

Anoraks and headscarves - a wild chance maybe.

Nothing to see here.
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So don't let trans officers do searches? Or is it ok if they are the same biological sex?
The detainee wont know if the officer conducting tne search is trans female
The 'rules' are clear as a bell. The chances of a person being born a man, forcibly stripping a woman and looking at her genitals are zero.

Anoraks and headscarves - a wild chance maybe.

Nothing to see here.
the "rules". which you have no idea about.

Clueless noseall arguing about something he knows nothing about.. again.

yep - this women's rights group are just making a fuss about nothing. righto.
The detainee wont know if the officer conducting tne search is trans female
Nothing to do with the question. Again, do you mean trans officers shouldn't be allowed to do searches?
I agree.

The chances of it actually happening - Nill. Zero. 0.

Anoraks and headscarves - extremely unlikely.
and you know this how?
Maybe not. You on the other hand are.

The chances of it actually happening - Nill. Zero. 0.

Anoraks and headscarves - extremely unlikely.
So they are bringing an expensive judicial review for the fun of it.

you are just making it up, because your argument collapsed when you realised the policy changes "same sex" to include "acquired sex".

you could have sad: ahhh I get it now.
Blokes dressed up as woman in the plod now
Jeez us wept whats it all coming to :giggle:

Armed forces ??
I've read the 'rules'. Perhaps you should too.

The chances of the stars all being in the right place - Nill. Zero. Nada. 0

Clearly you didn't understand them. But you wont admit it. too busy being stubbornly stupid as usual.

Perhaps you can show in these rules where it says a person who acquires the opposite sex is not to be treated as having the same sex as the opposite sex for the purposes of conducting strip searches.
Sec 2.1, 2.2, 3.5, 4.1, 4.2, 4.3, 6.3, 7.1 and 8.2

All confirm Acquired sex = sex.

born male allowed to strip search born female. That is the policy boyo.
born male allowed to strip search born female. That is the policy boyo.

The first page of the rules, i.e. points numbers up to just 3A are enough to make it impossible. The other four pages mean that it will never happen. Ever.
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