Male Police can strip search a female.

Have a look at those little words at the bottom corner of the chart, then read up on what it says.

EIP search by a trans bloke on a female - not a chance in hell boyo.

Anoraks and head-scarfs only.
you need to read the following sections again:

2.1, 2.2, 3.5, 4.1, 4.2, 4.3, 6.3, 7.1 and 8.2

This confirms:

I can be a man, I can apply to be plod, I can apply to change gender under the gender recognition act. Once granted, I am a women.

I can carry out searches as per PACE of all women as I am the same sex as them. Where Pace says "same sex" that is woman searching woman, man searching man. Since I am now legally a Woman (acquired sex). I am compliant. That is what the policy is saying.

Born Male = Searching born females.

Do you want me to quote it?
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Indeed you are, like those small words in the bottom corner of the chart, i.e. "must be conducted in accordance with PACE Code C, Annex A, paragraph 11."

There will be no intimate searches by trans blokes. Not a prayer.

Anorak removal only.

you need to read the following sections again:

2.1, 2.2, 3.5, 4.1, 4.2, 4.3, 6.3, 7.1 and 8.2

It clearly states (your own chart) that inmtimate searches fall under....
"must be conducted in accordance with PACE Code C, Annex A, paragraph 11."

Absolutely no chance of an intimate search of a female by a trans bloke.

Anorak and headscarf - possibly.
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Yes. You clearly haven't.

No chance of a trans male searching a female. Anoraks and coats only.
I can see you are struggling.. To be clear the argument is about a person born male searching a person born female and the reverse.

A trans male, is person born female who wishes to be regarded as a man.

This argument is about a person acquiring the sex of the opposite one to that they are currently and being fully regarded as that acquired sex for the Purposed of PACE. That means a person born male, with a female GRC, searching people born female.

what do you think this means:

In law, the sex of an individual is their sex as registered at birth unless they have been issued with a Gender Recognition Certificate (GRC) under the Gender Recognition Act 2004 (GRA), in which case the person’s sex is their acquired sex.
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:LOL: you think they don't have the power to forcibly search you? You keep focusing on intimate searches, but the police have the power to forcibly strip search you and if you refuse an EIP, it will be regarded as evidence against you.

This is what they can forcibly do as a strip search:
The police can ask you to remove your clothing and to expose intimate parts of your body during a strip search. If you refuse, they can use reasonable force where necessary to carry out the search. But force must only be used as a last resort.

If the officer believes it is necessary, they can tell you

  • to hold your arms out in the air, or
  • to stand with your legs apart and bend forward so they can look at your genital and anal areas.
So we are clear:

The BTP policy allows a person born male to strip a person born female and look at their genitals.
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zero chance of intimate searches being carried out against their wishes
That's the key point. The person being searched must be asked who they are most comfortable with doing the search.

Georgina the 6'5" bearded constable won't get a look in, far too many safeguards.
That's the key point. The person being searched must be asked who they are most comfortable with doing the search.
Have you read through it? There is zero chance of intimate searches being carried out by anyone that the suspect is uncomfortable with. Biking from the boatyard will get his boat captain to read it for him, on their next voyage. You can almost hear the head slap.
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