Miserable 4 days in hospital

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Make appointment with nurse at local GP, they should be able to take the stitches out. Shouldn't leave em too long.
Hope feeling better now :)
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Hospital food tip:

They often have some very nice options on the "Asian Vegetarian" menu, which may be a separate one you'd need to ask for.
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I remember being in hospital for 10 days and asking for the veggie sandwich. I was given grated carrot & sultana in brown bread, no butter either. I couldn't really get the logic behind that combo and it remained uneaten!
They often have some very nice options on the "Asian Vegetarian" menu, which may be a separate one you'd need to ask for.
Is that in all hospitals? If it's not, it should be, sounds far tastier.
Is that in all hospitals? If it's not, it should be, sounds far tastier.

Guess it depends on how large the Asian vegetarian community is in the catchment area of a hospital.

And not only is it tastier, it survives the being-kept-covered treatment better.
Make appointment with nurse at local GP, they should be able to take the stitches out. Shouldn't leave em too long.
Hope feeling better now :)
Unfortunenately the GP does not have facilities to do that , will require X-ray and recasting after removal of sutures.
Unfortunenately the GP does not have facilities to do that , will require X-ray and recasting after removal of sutures.

It’s time you started listening to Durham Plumber.

Rub some Ibuprofen cream on it and stop being such a fanny!!
Not eating enough vegetables is not conducive to long-term good health.

And HTH can you hate all vegetables, given how many there are, how different they are, how many different ways of preparing any particular one that there are, etc?
Not eating enough vegetables is not conducive to long-term good health.

And HTH can you hate all vegetables, given how many there are, how different they are, how many different ways of preparing any particular one that there are, etc?
Said I hate veg , did not say don’t eat it, just have to disquise it , yes I know variety ( qualified as a chef over 40 years ago).
Only like peas which a dietitian said was fine as it provides everything you need.
No health problems apart from injuries over 60 years .
Last illness was shingles as 11 year old.
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