Let's take another issue, and try to draw parrlells: drug taking in UK
We (rightly) criminalise the drug dealers, and within reson the drug takers.
Any drug addicts resorting to other crimes to support their addiction are also criminalised. The same applies to drug dealers.
That kind of mirrors the action taken to deal with asylum seekers.
Is there more that we can (or in the case of drug dealing) we already do?
Well, yes. We provide and support charities, medical support, and other such available help to assist the addicts from their habit.
We also provide official support to ensure the ex-addicts are not left unsupported.
We have de-criminalised some drug taking. We could go further.
We could go even further, with care, to provide Aid to countries where drug production is an important way of earning a living.
We could apply such actions for asylum seekers; provide safe and legal routes to prevent loss of life, decriminalise some activities, provide support to chartities who's rasion d'etre is to help asylum seekers. (we do the very opposite and remove existing help), we could ensure asylum seekers (and failed asylum seekers) receive sufficient support to prevent their incorporation into slavery, criminality or the black market, (we don't, we remove any existing support).
And so on that illustrates the right wing government's hostility to those seeking safety and to re-entry to so-called civilised society.