Of course you don't...
After all you don't give a 'jot' about 1948
You don't care about the causes of the problems we have to deal with nowadays and are ignorant of the importance of the timelines!
So here's the facts for you...
Prior to 9/11 and the illegal western wars there were no reported instances of islamic terrorism in the UK...
In 1948 (and onwards) there are proven facts regarding zionist/jewish terrorist acts against UK/British citizens...
And you still don't see the relevance?
Maybe you are simply a racist that doesn't know what you are yet?
One day you might see the light
Well yeah tis a fact I don’t give a jot about 1948
Dunno what’s up with you
Imho you are some type of closet racist hiding behind some type of BS of fair minded , pleading the noble cause (?) whilst the truth is (?) you secretly in yer mind support violence perpetrated
Against the west
Yes the west were you live ?? With yer hand out and yer snout in the trough when it suits you
So afaik I came concerned you and others can jog on with yer 1948 waffle