Peak Brexit via passport control

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Brexxer logic we don't like the EU thats why we left. We don't like foreigners either but please pretty please will you still buy our stuff?

Mottie, Filly, Motor, Hatejob are the easiest marks in history.
now remind us how many french infintary were part of D day to regain their country and how many allied servicemen the Vichy killed
Remind us, how many French died, helping us to evacuate and rebuild.
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you mean fighting germans will attempting to defend their own country .
Ever read much about the evacuation?

And the fighting prior to it?

Aware of how many French defended the area to allow us to get our troops away? Sounds like they were fighting, to help us, and weren't evacuated by us as we promised.

We were all fighting the same enemy.
now remind us how many french infintary were part of D day to regain their country and how many allied servicemen the Vichy killed
I was surprised to learn how many french combatants were lost in ww2. Vichy only represented a minority of french., the minority that our modern right wing politicians cosy up to. The resistance provided invaluable information in the planning and execution of dday and the subsequent action in france.
Ever read much about the evacuation?

And the fighting prior to it?

Aware of how many French defended the area to allow us to get our troops away? Sounds like they were fighting, to help us, and weren't evacuated by us as we promised.

We were all fighting the same enemy.
yep i have give it a try yourself . Are you on about the 123,000 french evacuated over 100,000 of them on British ships when the french command had feked up their own evacuation plan
Aware of how many French defended the area to allow us to get our troops away? Sounds like they were fighting, to help us, and weren't evacuated by us as we promised.
I don't think the French army could be significantly evacuated however they did help ours get away.

The basic problem the French and us had was German troops in front of them and also behind and spreading. A classic loose scenario for any army. Why that happened and other possible options are way more interesting than going racist. The History channel runs a world at war series at times but to get a full picture there is a need to watch all of them or catch the particular one on France's problem. That might mean 2 episodes.
40,000 french troops where caught at dunkirk and about 16000 killed so the British got the vast majority of their army out .
As for who gave the biggest sacrifice the BEF lost around 68,000 men in those weeks fighting to save the french
40,000 french troops where caught at dunkirk and about 16000 killed so the British got the vast majority of their army out .
As for who gave the biggest sacrifice the BEF lost around 68,000 men in those weeks fighting to save the french
It wasn't us versus the Germans to defend the French you know.

You have a very distorted view of the known facts
I don't think the French army could be significantly evacuated however they did help ours get away.

The basic problem the French and us had was German troops in front of them and also behind and spreading. A classic loose scenario for any army. Why that happened and other possible options are way more interesting than going racist. The History channel runs a world at war series at times but to get a full picture there is a need to watch all of them or catch the particular one on France's problem. That might mean 2 episodes.
To be fair, the French army did try a counter-attack with the BEF towards Arras but poor communication and scattered units made it a hopeless cause from the start. The Sherwood Foresters were sent to defend the perimeter around Dunkirk and most of 'em were evacuated - including my paternal grandfather among The Guardsmen who were lucky enough to find room on a destroyer after a week dodging bombs on the beach.
It wasn't us versus the Germans to defend the French you know.

You have a very distorted view of the known facts
no distortion at all . Did you not say we abandoned them .75% of their army evacuated is not abandoned unless you have a very distorted view of known facts
And showing a total disregard to the servicemen of the following British regiments that fought in the rear guard defending the perimeter
British units defending the perimeter included, among others, elements of the following regiments: the Loyals, Leicesters, Sherwood Foresters, Warwickshires, East Lancashires, Borders, Coldstream Guards, Duke of Wellington's, Green Howards, Durham Light Infantry, King's Own Scottish Borderers, Royal Ulster Rifles, Grenadier Guards, Berkshires, Suffolks, Bedfordshire and Herts, Duke of Cornwall's Light Infantry, East Surreys, Royal Fusiliers, South Lancashires and the Black Watch
To be fair, the French army did try a counter-attack with the BEF towards Arras but poor communication and scattered units made it a hopeless cause from the start. T
The major problem was the Germans getting in via a route that was thought to be near impossible. The defences finished up facing the wrong way and bound to be cut off.

;) The French main general was something of a problem. Far away and communicating via motor cycle rider. Not sensible for surprises. Sometimes it takes a while for the military to modern up.

Thought I had better add a bit more from wiki - operation paula which wasn't really a success

Launched on 10 May 1940, the revised version of Unternehmen Gelb (Operation Yellow), also known as the Manstein Plan, succeeded. However, the British Army escaped during the Battle of Dunkirk. Nevertheless, the Belgian Army, Dutch Army and most of the elite French forces were destroyed in the encirclement. This left just second rate French units to combat the entire German Army. The Luftwaffe had played an integral part in disrupting Allied operations in this early phase. The Luftwaffe's participation was particularly crucial during the Battle of Sedan which enabled the German Army to carry out Operation Yellow. By early June the Dunkirk siege was over, and on 3 June, the Germans began preparations for the conquest of the rest of France under the codename Fall Rot (Case Red). For this to be as successful, air superiority would be required first, as it had been during Operation Yellow.
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no distortion at all . Did you not say we abandoned them .75% of their army evacuated is not abandoned unless you have a very distorted view of known facts
And showing a total disregard to the servicemen of the following British regiments that fought in the rear guard defending the perimeter
British units defending the perimeter included, among others, elements of the following regiments: the Loyals, Leicesters, Sherwood Foresters, Warwickshires, East Lancashires, Borders, Coldstream Guards, Duke of Wellington's, Green Howards, Durham Light Infantry, King's Own Scottish Borderers, Royal Ulster Rifles, Grenadier Guards, Berkshires, Suffolks, Bedfordshire and Herts, Duke of Cornwall's Light Infantry, East Surreys, Royal Fusiliers, South Lancashires and the Black Watch
You know about Lord Gort ?
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