Peak Brexit via passport control

Brexxer logic we don't like the EU thats why we left. We don't like foreigners either but please pretty please will you still buy our stuff?

Mottie, Filly, Motor, Hatejob are the easiest marks in history.
What about me???
I feel left out :cry::cry::cry:
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Brexxer logic we don't like the EU thats why we left. We don't like foreigners either but please pretty please will you still buy our stuff?

Mottie, Filly, Motor, Hatejob are the easiest marks in history.
Er afaik the person you refer to as hatejob ??? Did not vote brexit ????

Just because some one voted brexit does not mean one does not like foreigners

Let’s face it they are not all

For example

Austrians are not scoundrels
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Your claim is that ALL foreigner haters voted Brexit.

It's ridiculous nonsense.

If you said generally based on evidence x y z that those who dislike foreigners voted Brexit.. Your statement may be more believable. but as we know there is way to know who voted Brexit and why. The vote was 8 years ago.. move on. You look incredibly dumb when you post cr@p like this.

But its up to you if you want to look like an idiot all the time.
Your claim is that ALL foreigner haters voted Brexit.

It's ridiculous nonsense.

If you said generally based on evidence x y z that those who dislike foreigners voted Brexit.. Your statement may be more believable. but as we know there is way to know who voted Brexit and why. The vote was 8 years ago.. move on. You look incredibly dumb when you post cr@p like this.

But its up to you if you want to look like an idiot all the time.
You've misunderstood, or moved the question to be able to answer it

Not everybody who voted for brexit was racist. Nobody disputes that.

But racists didn't vote remain
You've misunderstood, or moved the question to be able to answer it

Not everybody who voted for brexit was racist. Nobody disputes that.

But racists didn't vote remain

Also nonsense.
No. But ALL UK foreigner haters voted for Brexit.

Dumb gammons.

You have no evidence to prove that not one single racist voted remain and he has no evidence that all foreign haters voted leave

All the Remain/Leave Poll analysis does not change the fact that the vote itself was secret and of course 30M~ voted.
You have no evidence to prove that not one single racist voted remain
Now you mention them - I'd wager every single one them (that voted in the referendum) voted leave.

A majority regret it now. You only need look at the unfortunate posters on this very forum.

Brexit - total plie of unwanted, useless dog turd. And all those lying scumbags that promoted it.
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