
Personally, I find the most convenient way to store breezeblocks is to hang them with a rope, from the ceiling just inside from a window. ;)
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But I have the fairy off the tree and all the lights 'n baubles .. and proof of use -- as a decorative post ... :D
And i know some one who has a solid metal cased digital camera to get picture of that
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Freddie, It is the fact that you can put in such graphical nature what you would do to someone pre-meditatingly that is so shocking and brings your mental state into question.
By that i mean you are not in an actual dangerous situation where rational thinking may or may not be in question who knows what someone may do under extreme stress? the courts would take mitigating circumstances into consideration but for someone to have such a terrible plan of execution in their brain beforehand shows a deranged mental state!
it is this ease of thinking of doing someone else harm that lowers you down to that standard of thug.
I could understand someone in the heat of the moment going crazy it's a natural reaction when scared the body pumps adrenalin into the system to arm the bodies muscles for either quick flight or battle, where the thinking process or reasoning process probably takes second place.
Crimes of passion come to mind for instance.
But to be Mr Angry over a comment put forward in this forum is what i was finding questionable.

regarding the other comments, you still go on about myself supporting criminal action? where the hell do you get that from?
Under no circumstances do i tolerate those that commit criminal acts, but i wouldn't go any further than apprehend someone (if safe for myself to do so) I'd allow the correct authority to deal with the person not go hunt them down as you suggest.

Take a chill pill Freddie!
kendor said:
Freddie, It is the fact that you can put in such graphical nature what you would do to someone pre-meditatingly that is so shocking and brings your mental state into question.
By that i mean you are not in an actual dangerous situation where rational thinking may or may not be in question who knows what someone may do under extreme stress? the courts would take mitigating circumstances into consideration but for someone to have such a terrible plan of execution in their brain beforehand shows a deranged mental state!
it is this ease of thinking of doing someone else harm that lowers you down to that standard of thug.
I could understand someone in the heat of the moment going crazy it's a natural reaction when scared the body pumps adrenalin into the system to arm the bodies muscles for either quick flight or battle, where the thinking process or reasoning process probably takes second place.
Crimes of passion come to mind for instance.
But to be Mr Angry over a comment put forward in this forum is what i was finding questionable.

regarding the other comments, you still go on about myself supporting criminal action? where the hell do you get that from?
Under no circumstances do i tolerate those that commit criminal acts, but i wouldn't go any further than apprehend someone (if safe for myself to do so) I'd allow the correct authority to deal with the person not go hunt them down as you suggest.

Take a chill pill Freddie!

Kendor i didnt know you could sycho-analys people over a forum, dont worry about me just keep looking behind you cause i know where you live.
Freddie said:
Oh Jesus i give up Kendor what age are you roughly
old enough to not be frightened by your thinly veiled threats! but hey remember you are on a forum not a street corner!
kendor said:
Freddie said:
Oh Jesus i give up Kendor what age are you roughly
old enough to not be frightened by your thinly veiled threats! but hey remember you are on a forum not a street corner!

I have never known such a know it all who can be so consistantly wrong, i'll give you a clue---Spitting Image around late 80's early 90's bearded bloke with glass's still around comes from Belfast---------too easy now
Freddie said:
kendor said:
Freddie said:
Oh Jesus i give up Kendor what age are you roughly
old enough to not be frightened by your thinly veiled threats! but hey remember you are on a forum not a street corner!

I have never known such a know it all who can be so consistantly wrong, i'll give you a clue---Spitting Image around late 80's early 90's bearded bloke with glass's still around comes from Belfast---------too easy now
What you on about now freddie??
Same thing i was on about 4 or 5 posts back but obviously it didnt break through your shell or your too young to remember the programme
He's a two faced sh*t stirring k**b freddie and he has shown it with his biased comments about you. BBC PC indoctrinated sh**e the lot of it, and its not gone unnoticed.
Freddie, It is the fact that you can put in such graphical nature what you would do to someone pre-meditatingly that is so shocking and brings your mental state into question.
Double standards kendor here or what?
Andrew 2022 said.
anyone touches my cat and theyll regret it. possibly when there in a ring with a very large, hungry cat.
I have always believed in "an eye for an eye"the scum should be made to suffer the same as their victim.If anyone harmed/threatened my wife/kids/dog I would get the red mist
AdamW said.
Oh, and if anyone harmed my cats then I would rip their balls off, and then shove their balls up their a**, so the next time they took a dump, they s**t on their balls,

Tell me kendor why are singling out freddie's remarks and ignoring the above equally pre meditated violent comments?
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