Rape gangs. Why does the Home Office minister not want a national public enquiry?

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"What should be done?

Jay’s report into child sexual abuse made 20 detailed recommendations, with a call for the Conservative government of the day to publish what steps it had taken within six months. These included the introduction of a statutory requirement for individuals in some professions to report allegations of child sexual abuse to relevant authorities.

The inquiry also called for a national redress scheme to be set up to provide compensation to victims, and the creation of a Child Protection Authority with powers to inspect any institution associated with children.

Many of the recommended changes have not happened, either because they were not implemented or because last year’s general election halted laws that were passing through Parliament."

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"What has happened already?

A key recommendation was for more robust age verification on online sites, as well as a mandatory online pre-screening for sexual images of children.

While the previous government brought in the Online Safety Bill 2023, which expected social media platforms to enforce age limits and age checking, it did not include pre-screening for sexual images of children and young people. The law became the Online Safety Act, which comes fully into force this year.

The main recommendation of the Jay review was for people who work with children to face criminal sanctions if they fail to report sexual abuse claims. On Monday, home secretary Yvette Cooper promised this would feature in the upcoming Crime and Policing Bill. She also said the government would legislate to make grooming an aggravating factor in the sentencing of child sexual offences.

Downing Street insisted plans were already under way to bring these changes into law before the issue was raised by Musk last week.
“We are working at pace to go through all the recommendations,” it said. “These recommendations were made in 2022 and weren’t acted on by the last government, this government has already started to act on the recommendations.”

"What has not happened?

However, many of the recommendations have yet to be brought in. These include ending the three-year cap for child sexual abuse victims to make a personal injury claim; a national financial redress scheme for victims; and changes to the Criminal Injuries Compensation Scheme.

After the Jay review came out, the previous Conservative government promised to consult on the measures, but never brought them into law.

The report also called for therapeutic support for victims, something that was not implemented.

Extending schemes that bar certain people from working with children, and extending these overseas, have also not been enacted.

Appointing a dedicated cabinet minister for children was also recommended, though both the Tory and current Labour government said the responsibility already lies with the education secretary."

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Fact is those who sought / seek to play the race card in this caper

Indirectly are responsible for some of what occurred ;)

Hence why a lot of it was swept under the carpet for years ;)

The 6 towns named in the report was only the tip of the iceberg
Fact is those who sought / seek to play the race card in this caper

Really? Has someone been pointing out that the majority of child sexual abuse in this country is carried out by white British men?

I don't think I've been seeing that card played.
Really? Has someone been pointing out that the majority of child sexual abuse in this country is carried out by white British men?

I don't think I've been seeing that card played.
That’s not an accurate representation of the statistics.
Those girls, the victims of the Pakistani men are white British, Muslim and Sikh.

They were violated and tortured. Cigarettes were put out on their skin. They were violated internally with objects. They were gang r4ped. These are just a few examples of what they suffered.

Idgaf what previous politicians did or didn't do. What matters is what all the politicians are doing now about it. What they are doing to bring justice to these girls now.
Idgaf what previous politicians did or didn't do. What matters is what all the politicians are doing now about it. What they are doing to bring justice to these girls now
If it bothers you so much why didn’t you say anything for the 14 years whilst the Conservatives were in power?
Really? Has someone been pointing out that the majority of child sexual abuse in this country is carried out by white British men?

I don't think I've been seeing that card played.

What grooming gangs ??

Well best advised you inform the author of the jay report ??

As said you and others are indirectly responsible for what occurred

With yer sweep it under the carpet mentality

Play the race card mentality

Excusers / appeasers

Yes exactly fruit cakes ;) :giggle:
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