do you mean you want to avoid criticism of white British men that are the ones committing most of the abuse?
Badenough doesn't like the Jay enquiry set up by the government in which she took a leading role.
"In her view, the mistake of the Jay inquiry (whose terms of reference were set by a government in which she was a power player) was in investigating the grooming scandal alongside 14 other cases of child sexual abuse, including but not limited to: child sexual abuse in the Anglican Church and the Roman Catholic Church, in children’s homes in Nottinghamshire, in care homes in Lambeth, to foster children sent overseas — predominantly to Australia — to foster families and institutions by the UK government, the abuse of young boys by the then MP for Rochdale, Cyril Smith, in Rochdale and the surrounding areas, and of young people in youth offender centres."
We have established that most sexual abuse of children is carried out by white British men.
I wonder if
@motorbiking can explain why he is less concerned, not only about the majority of child abuse in this country, but about the other categories Jay looked into.
Can he point out why he doesn't want enquiry into "child sexual abuse in the Anglican Church and the Roman Catholic Church, in children’s homes in Nottinghamshire, in care homes in Lambeth, to foster children sent overseas — predominantly to Australia — to foster families and institutions by the UK government, the abuse of young boys by the then MP for Rochdale, Cyril Smith, in Rochdale and the surrounding areas, and of young people in youth offender centres."
It can't be because it was mostly carried out by white British men.
Can it?