Rape gangs. Why does the Home Office minister not want a national public enquiry?

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Why does the rape of hundreds of children have to be perpetrated by gangs, to be of concern? Why should these cases not be included in any enquiry into child abuse.
More fittingly, I've posted a few links to depraved baby raping white gangs also. Why do you think these gangs should be omitted from a child abuse enquiry?
Too tough for Mottie.
But you are talking about the situation fifteen years ago. These days, partly because of Keir Starmer, it is all out in the open and nobody is worried anymore about investigating CSE gangs. no matter which ethnic group is involved. What is it that you actually want a new inquiry to look at?
He just wants to bash Muslims. It's not difficult to work out.
All I can say is I’m glad you’re not on any of these juries when they have been taken to court. You'd let them go and give them compo.
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Oh, I see I’ve been chucked out of JohnD's thread with the same title. I can’t even remember what 'abuse' I gave. Probably an unpallatable truth.
Lost count of the times I’ve said it but just for you I’ll say it again so that you can STFU: All child abusers of any colour/race/religion/nationality are dirty perverted c***s and should face the most severe penalties. It’s just that I’ve yet to come across a story of a organised white grooming gang that targets young Asian girls. Have you?
As usual trying to hide your prejudices with an attempt to agree, but as always there are caveats which reveal your true thoughts!

And maybe you can tell us how come some of your comments on the other (related but different) thread have been removed due to abuse?
And maybe you can tell us how come some of your comments of the other (related but different) thread have been removed due to abuse?
Too many screaming queens in the same thread maybe? Chuck me out of this one, I’ve hit a nerve but I don’t care.

If your really want someone who "tells it like it is", it ain't Forridge.

Ian Hislop is your man (y)
Hislop hits the nail firmly on the head. You can see why the right wing, lying scum on here, revere and repeat such rotten people.
Grooming gang in Dundee just been found guilty
If sexual assault / rape etc


Yes exactly ;)
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