Sage coffee machine

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That’s a lot of money, on plumbers rates that’s at least a half days work :giggle:

It is a lot of money . If it gives me a bit of pleasure and nice coffee ☕️ then it worth it. But is it worth it over the the more manual model.
Or the Hobby..

I feel this may make the ultimate consistent coffee once I've trained myself. Or wait till I'm retired so I have time to practice my barista skills.

We bought one very similar to that model last week. £600 but mrs filly got them to price match an online deal of £575

We were happy enough with our nespresso machine but (apparently) couldn't use the cheaper pods available so our coffee didn't come cheap.

Despite reading the vague instructions the first several cups were nothing special, mrs filly has since watched a number of youtube videos and there is a lot of information and tips that aren't included in the instructions so she's just about got her head round it now.

Definitely a better cup of cawfee, a bit of a faff compared to the nespresso although the more you use it the easier it gets.

It will take some time to find the beans that best suit our taste.
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We bought one very similar to that model last week. £600 but mrs filly got them to price match an online deal of £575

We were happy enough with our nespresso machine but (apparently) couldn't use the cheaper pods available so our coffee didn't come cheap.

Despite reading the vague instructions the first several cups were nothing special, mrs filly has since watched a number of youtube videos and there is a lot of information and tips that aren't included in the instructions so she's just about got her head round it now.

Definitely a better cup of cawfee, a bit of a faff compared to the nespresso although the more you use it the easier it gets.

It will take some time to find the beans that best suit our taste.
That's useful. Thank you.

Experimenting in Coffee can be expensive in its self. I like Starbucks Coffee so I'll stick with that till I master the machine..
As much as I’d like a shiny, chrome, bean-to-cup machine, I think I’d quickly go off of it with all the faffing about. Getting the right beans, getting the right grind, getting the right tamp, cleaning and servicing the thing plus I just don’t drink enough coffee to warrant it. Mrs Mottie doesn't drink coffee at all. I’ve found one capsule I like for my pod machine and that’s good enough for me for espresso, lungo, flat white, and latte. The other day I had a hazelnut mocha from Greggs - bloody lovely and I’ve since bought a bottle of hazelnut syrup to add to my coffee.
The first time she used it last week she wasn't clear about switching off the steam wand so after the milk jug was about to overflow she pulled the jug away. That was interesting.
The first time she used it last week she wasn't clear about switching off the steam wand so after the milk jug was about to overflow she pulled the jug away. That was interesting.

Whst brand & model did you buy?
Whst brand & model did you buy?

Sage, but I can't see a model number on it.

Had a few cups yesterday, weve settled on number 4 for grind size which is quite fine, getting the right amount of coffee into the holder is a bit of an art, there is an auto setting but trying the different settings for that has been difficult so she's reverted to doing it by eye. According to a vid she watched it should be tamped down using 15 lbs of pressure, not tamped well enough or not enough coffee means water pressure doesn't rise enough.
I think she's there now, more or less.

coffee machine.jpg
Whst brand & model did you buy?
Cracking little machine, doesn't grind beans but does everything else. Bought a small separate grinder, but now buy nice ground stuff so don't need it anyway.

Cracking little machine, doesn't grind beans but does everything else. Bought a small separate grinder, but now buy nice ground stuff so don't need it anyway.

In hindsight the bambino would have been more than adequate for our needs.
This works for me...

Cost £50 when I bought, must have made well over 1000 cups by now, so now under 0.5p a cup from my investment.

Coffee machines shove hot water through ground beans. That's all they do, however much you hand over, it's all just a snobby consumerist fad.

I previously had a bean-to-cup machine. Broke down a few times, while replacing various internal parts I noticed just how disgusting it was, green mouldy coffee in every corner, no wonder it ended up tasting dirty despite regular pretend cleaning cycles. Can't beat taking the brew head off and rinsing it under the tap every day.

Now just buy pre-ground. Pretty sure someone in a factory who knows what they're doing can make a better job of it than I can. Don't think that freshness of grind makes up for the lower consistency you get with home-ground.
In hindsight the bambino would have been more than adequate for our needs.
More than likely me too but as said above it's the snob in me that wants a dancing one without tye singing.
Hehe, how cheapskate can we get? In maaaa day we made coffee outta gravel in the gutter.

Seriously though, this coffee snobbery is getting bloody silly. The more they cost, the more people want them. They're just plastic and stainless steel. Heater, pump, job done. They could only accept orders from iphone users and still sell the same numbers, it's the same gullible fools who buy both.
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