Should multinationals and multibillionaires pay fair tax?

It's not that it's hard.

You just have to ask why tax rules are so complicated.

And why the big 4 accounting companies are those that help write them (and therefore understand them).

Gordon Brown quadrupled the rules .........

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Gordon Brown quadrupled the rules .........

Unfortunately I don't know which rules you have in mind. Do you mean something happened 20 years ago that made it easier for billionaires and multinationals to dodge taxes? What was it?

I presume you don't mean reducing Basic Rate Income Tax from 23% to 20%? Or is that something you disapprove of?

Was it reducing Corporstion Tax from 33%?

Do you mean the 2010 reforms?

Or do you mean the measures to combat avoidance schemes dreamed up by tax advisors to billionaires and multinationals?
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Introducing Complicated rules that allowed dodges …
You will have to expand that claim then, with details. Details of quadrupling, please.

Taxes are to raise money, loopholes are to avoid paying that money.

G brown increased loopholes to avoid raising taxes, that's a bold claim.

And you call me a muppet. But insults always start when the facts run out.
More developments...

"Coca-Cola is selling €1bn of new debt that it may use to help pay potential charges arising from a decade-long dispute with the US tax authorities, in which the company could owe $16bn.

The US soft-drinks maker said on Thursday it planned to issue two €500mn bonds with the proceeds used in part “for making any potential payments in connection with our ongoing tax litigation with the [Internal Revenue Service]”.

The “reverse Yankee” issuance — in which US companies raise money in the euro-denominated bond market — comes a day after the Financial Times reported that Coke could owe $16bn in back taxes arising from manufacturing processes located in countries such as Ireland and Brazil.

The total is enough to wipe out a year and a half of profits, with the figure rising by more than $1bn a year."

"According to a US tax court judgment, the company has been hiding “astronomical levels” of profit in low-tax countries to shield it from the US authorities."

"The debt issuance comes as Coke readies the payment of an initial $6bn in cash to cover unpaid taxes and interest for the years 2007 to 2009. The sum was finalised last week, the last of a four-year series of court decisions in favour of the US Internal Revenue Service."
You will have to expand that claim then, with details. Details of quadrupling, please.

Taxes are to raise money, loopholes are to avoid paying that money.

G brown increased loopholes to avoid raising taxes, that's a bold claim.

And you call me a muppet. But insults always start when the facts run out.

I was referring to Gordon Brown as the muppet
"The highest rate of CGT is 28 per cent now, far lower than the 45 per cent top rate of income tax."

Well that's interesting.
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