Slavery Reparations

A leading judge at the international court of justice has said the UK will no longer be able to ignore the growing calls for reparation for transatlantic slavery. Judge Patrick Robinson, who presided over the trial of the former Yugoslav president Slobodan Milošević, said the international tide on slavery reparations was quickly shifting and urged the UK to change its current position on the issue.

Robinson [compiled] the Brattle Group Report on Reparations for Transatlantic Chattel Slavery, which was published in June. The report, which has been described as the most comprehensive state-to-state reparations analysis, identifies the reparations that are due in respect of 31 countries in which transatlantic slavery was practised.
The study estimates that trillions of dollars are owed in reparations to countries affected by transatlantic slavery. The report, which was published by the University of the West Indies after a symposium held by the American Society of International Law, concludes that the UK alone is required to pay a sum of $24tn (£18.8tn) as reparations for transatlantic slavery in 14 countries. Of that sum, about $9.6tn is due to Jamaica. The report uses calculations made by the Brattle Group, which factors in the wealth and GDP amassed by countries that enslaved African people.

“The tide is changing, the political tide, the global tide is moving. The United Kingdom – [including] both principle parties, the Conservative party and the Labour party and the other parties, which are just as important – need to take into account that movement is a movement in favour of reparations. The transatlantic chattel slavery is the greatest atrocity in the history of humankind without parallel for its brutality, without parallel for its length over 400 years, without parallel for its profitability.”

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So we owe £18.8 Trillion... now take the value that Great Britain has brought to the Planet in terms of inventions, advancements, industry, science, law, medicine, evolution, education, politics, physics, etc, etc,..... all things that have vastly improved the lives of billions of people and not saying that mistakes weren't made but it is the same for almost every country in the world that they got where they are by less than ethical means. You could argue either way from now to eternity but Great Britain has paid it's dues in my eyes.
During the first half of the 20th century, European countries looked back on their colonial enterprises as philanthropic and “civilising”, rather than as exploitative and economically motivated.
Pass it to Africa and many other countries that were taking slaves before the UK, after the UK and are still taking them.

Then when they have filled the hat we can pass it to those that are not slaves.
Pro-slavery laws were passed in the British parliament; Britain’s wealth, like that of many European countries, derives in part from slavery and empire.
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I'm pretty sure that if I go back in time, at one point my ancestors have been victims of something now banned.
Who's gonna compensate me???
What did the Scandinavians ever do for us?
OK there was:
Axe of Base
North Atlantic Drift

Volcano dust
Skyr yogurt (Culturally)

Former lovers
Greta Thunberg
Stockholm syndrome
Erland Johnsen.

But apart from that....... nothing
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I wonder how much of the reparation money their corrupt governments would top-slice and how much would be left to genuinely improve the living conditions for their citizens.
If we hadn't been good enough to bring them here or North America or the Caribian they would still be running round the jungle hacking each other to death with spears and machetes, should be bloody well gratefull
If we hadn't been good enough to bring them here or North America or the Caribian they would still be running round the jungle hacking each other to death with spears and machetes, should be bloody well gratefull

I'm pretty sure that if I go back in time, at one point my ancestors have been victims of something now banned.
Who's gonna compensate me???
I'm sure you'll get a proportional discount on your reparations fee. Slavery turned out to be very profitable for some.
If we hadn't been good enough to bring them here or North America or the Caribian they would still be running round the jungle hacking each other to death with spears and machetes, should be bloody well gratefull
So they were captured and transported to here or North America or the Caribian (sic) to be tortured (those that survived), flogged, hung, burned, raped, mutilated starved and worked to death, and their children?
And you think they should be grateful because you were good enough? :evil:
I wonder how much of the reparation money their corrupt governments would top-slice and how much would be left to genuinely improve the living conditions for their citizens.
Desparately seeking excuises for not giving "restorative justice".
North Africa - I think we are due compensation for the slavery of the time.
I think UK and other western nations have had their money's worth out of North Africa during colonisation.
UK, France, Spain and Italy have had more than their fair share of North Africa.
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