The death penalty.

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That is a shame brother as I felt you were a potential member of the brethren.
We all returneth to the wall in the end.
I'm going to have the last word on this topic.

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No-one has yet to come up with a workable alternative to Hanging the skum.

Since the topic keeps turning to kids, lets say the perv rapes and Murders an 10 year old Girl.

Other than hanging the B*****d, What is the do gooders answer when he is let out in 10 years time, after a spell in HMS Holiday camp and rapes and kills another kid, maybe one of yours God forbid.
I was up to go tp Portobello market, and I'm back now after making a right few bob.

The returned one cometh back from the wall...
No-one has yet to come up with a workable alternative to Hanging the skum.

Since the topic keeps turning to kids, lets say the perv rapes and Murders an 10 year old Girl.

Other than hanging the B*****d, What is the do gooders answer when he is let out in 10 years time, after a spell in HMS Holiday camp and rapes and kills another kid, maybe one of yours God forbid.

Why do you say there is no alternative? In the USA states that have outlawed the death penalty the rates for murder have fallen massively. Life in a tough prison without the possibility of parole is the best deterrent - and that's a fact.
Why do you say there is no alternative? In the USA states that have outlawed the death penalty the rates for murder have fallen massively. Life in a tough prison without the possibility of parole is the best deterrent - and that's a fact.

Wouldn't really argue with that, although if it didn't prove to work here we could always try burning at the stake.
Have you ever worked or been in a jail Joe.

Tough prison is not gonna happen, there's to many do gooders and bleedin hearts.

A tough prison in my opinion is an 8ft square cage thats welded shut, with no tv, radio, fags, drugs, or contact with humans.
bas wrote

If invited, yes.

Then you are a racist IMO.
If you had respect for another peoples culture and religious convictions you would tolerate their beliefs and not preach down to them in a vitriolic manner.
And verily it came to pass, that Bert the unbeliever came up to the enlightened one, and said,
" So, is it true that you crazies believe that we are all motes of dust on the atoms in a cherry pit?".
And the enlightened one said, "Aye verily that be the truth".
And Bert the Unbeliever laughed. :LOL:
At this the enlightened one grew mightily angry and he dreweth back his hand and he smote Bert on the cheek, and Bert fell unto the ground and lay still, and The Enlightened one touched him on the arm and sayeth,
" Rise up Bert and be unbelieving no more" and Bert was converted.
Then you are a racist IMO.
If you had respect for another peoples culture and religious convictions you would tolerate their beliefs

So to disagree with anothers belief, makes you a racist.

What utter misguided PC nonsense.
Aha, Trazor,
The enlightened one sayeth there will be scoffers in the last days, and those who do not believe.
But when HE returneth from the wall of truth we will all be saved.
Praise be to the returned one and the bretheren of the wall.
Then you are a racist IMO.
If you had respect for another peoples culture and religious convictions you would tolerate their beliefs

So to disagree with anothers belief, makes you a racist.

No not at all.
Disagreeing is one thing but going into their place of worship and spouting vitriol is another and could only be the work of a racist IMO.
I doubt very much if BAS is a racist ... A self-opinionated fool no question ... But not a racist ;)

Reading back through this topic I'm absolutely gobsmacked that it hasn't been locked at several points along the way as many others have been for much less.

Have all the mods f***ed off then :LOL:

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