The death penalty.

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You can't argue against fact. Imprisonment is a better deterrent - that's all there is to it. I'm waiting for the pro-death sentence lobby to prove me wrong.

That's interesting. I'm waiting for Josephine to provide indepedendant facts and statistics, that aren't published by an anti-death penalty organisation who have a vested interested in how those figures are presented. (He won't)
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Ah, godsoft, etc.
(long name brother)
you are clearly nearly enlightened.
come to the understanding of the wall.

Not so much a religion, more a bunch of cults.
Facts are facts. Do you really think the pro death penalty lobby are going to provide them? Wot planet you on. You find your own facts that prove those facts wrong. (he won't).
You can't argue against fact. Imprisonment is a better deterrent - that's all there is to it. I'm waiting for the pro-death sentence lobby to prove me wrong.

(they won't)

There are no facts, only statistics and their interpretation. Your presumption that life without parole is a greater deterrent than execution is naive. Why do so many death row prisoners in the US strive to have their death sentences commuted?

There has to be another explanation...
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You can't argue against fact. Imprisonment is a better deterrent - that's all there is to it. I'm waiting for the pro-death sentence lobby to prove me wrong.

(they won't)

There are no facts, only statistics and their interpretation. Your presumption that life without parole is a greater deterrent than execution is naive. Why do so many death row prisoners in the US strive to have their death sentences commuted?

There has to be another explanation...

Because they are innocent. :rolleyes:
Very few contributors seem to be making any attempt to see the opposing point of view, so the debate never moves on.

To anyone who opposes the death penalty:

Can you not see the point of view of people who want it? It's possible, nay healthy, to express anger at truly murderous and perverted acts, but expression of the desire doesn't make such a person a killer any more than your desire to imprison people makes you a jailer...

One thing I've not yet seen explained anywhere is why an innocent life is worth so much less than a guilty death.

I oppose the death penalty but I've tried to approach this debate from a more neutral standpoint and question rather than accuse.

I don't think anyone thinks an innocent life is worth less than a guilty death, but I do question what effect executions might actually have on a society.
Facts are facts.

Josephine, you have provided no 'facts'. You have only provided a link to a source of statistics. Furthermore, you have taken it upon yourself to use these 'statistics' and use your own imagination, with no consideration for any geographical external influences on said 'statistics' before interpreting these 'statistics' to arrive at 'facts'.

You didn't by any chance do a PhD in Statistics and Sampling Strategies did you? (He'll say no (or lie))
Repetition of the we're right / they're wrong mantra is hardly the kind of balance I had in mind. :rolleyes:

You can't argue against fact. Imprisonment is a better deterrent - that's all there is to it. I'm waiting for the pro-death sentence lobby to prove me wrong.

(they won't)

Prison is not only, not a deterrent its not even a sentence. Thanks to the bleedin hearts and goody two shoes a stay in an holiday would be worse.

And for the bible punchers thats taking over the thread,m explain the meaning of and eye for an eye in the Bible, or isn't that in the watch tower.

Hang the skum is a good enough deterrent for me, and I can assure anyone they won't re-offend.

I have no objection to my tax'es paying for them to swing but I object strongly when I have to pay for their holiday.
Josephine, you have provided no 'facts'. You have only provided a link to a source of statistics. Furthermore, you have taken it upon yourself to use these 'statistics' and use your own imagination, with no consideration for any geographical external influences on said 'statistics' before interpreting these 'statistics' to arrive at 'facts'.
Why are you so surprised GS&JAD ... This is what Joe does best :LOL:

You didn't by any chance do a PhD in Statistics and Sampling Strategies did you? (He'll say no (or lie))
Do me a favour :rolleyes:

The only statistic Joe understands is the ratio of foot to pen1s size ... His nickname at school was Smallfoot ;)

And for the bible punchers thats taking over the thread,m explain the meaning of and eye for an eye in the Bible, or isn't that in the watch tower.
I don't think I'm a Bible puncher, but that supposed quote from the Christian Bible is invariably both stated and taken wrongly. It actually goes like this:

Matthew 5:38-5:39

You have heard that it was said, "An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth". But I say to you, do not resist an evildoer. If anyone strikes you on the right cheek, turn to him the other also.

So the meaning is the opposite of what people regularly construe.
The only statistic Joe understands is the ratio of foot to pen1s size ... His nickname at school was Smallfoot ;)

Which illustrates my point perfectley. Joe 'could' employ the services of joejoe&joe market research They 'could' claim that 100% of joe's fellow students called him "Smallfoot" with reference to the ratio of his foot to pen1s size on account of him being "hung like a horse". Ultimatley, it would be logical to conclude that their supposition was flawed, due to them not understanding the connotation. From an independant perspective it would be obvious that the statement actually inferred something else. :LOL:
Then you are a racist IMO.
But you have shown yourself to be incapable of forming sound opinions.

If you had respect for another peoples culture and religious convictions you would tolerate their beliefs and not preach down to them in a vitriolic manner.
Not if their beliefs contravened absolute moral imperatives.
No not at all.
Disagreeing is one thing but going into their place of worship and spouting vitriol is another and could only be the work of a racist IMO.
But you have shown yourself to be incapable of forming sound opinions.

I care not what "race" someone is - I don't give any killers special dispensation.
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