The death penalty.

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Norcon, Why don't you go and look up the word racist? Then stop talking twoddle.

I looked up Hate Speech instead.
Oh look - more unsound opinions. Someone asks you to look up what the word "racist" means, so you look up something different, and then decide that because the something different which is not the definition of "racist" might apply to me, then I am a racist.

Q to Norcon: "Is that woman a brunette?"

A from Norcon: "Let's see - what's the definition of 'blond'? Oh look - her hair is a pale yellow colour - that in my mind makes her a brunette."

Hate speech is a term for speech intended to degrade, intimidate, or incite violence or prejudicial action against a person or group of people based on their race,
Not guilty.

Not guilty.

Not guilty.

Not guilty.

Not guilty.

Not guilty.

sexual orientation
Not guilty.

gender identity
Not guilty.

Not guilty.

language ability
Not guilty.

Yup - if their moral views are truly hateful, then I will say that I hate them.

or political views
Not guilty.

socioeconomic class
Not guilty.

occupation or appearance (such as height, weight, and hair color)
Not guilty.

The term covers written as well as oral communication and some forms of behaviors in a public setting. It is also sometimes called antilocution and is the first point on Allport's scale which measures prejudice in a society.
I would ask you to look up what "prejudice" actually means, but you'd only go and look up a different word.
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The simple fact is that US states the have outlawed the death penalty have a much lower(almost 50% lower) incidence of murder.

If that was the other way around and the pro death penalty states had a massive reduction in murder rates, don't you think the pro death penalty lobby would be jumping all over the place with their irrefutable proof?

Well sorry folks, but the irrefutable truth is that the non death penalty states have a far lower incidence of murder. Therefore, if you wish to lower the incidence of murder then the death penalty should be scrapped everywhere and for ever.

Now if you cannot prove the figures wrong (and they can't) then that means the argument is over (and Joe-90 as won as per usual).

It's always the same; when the abuse begins, the argument is lost, and the abuse of poor wee Joe-90 is well under way. ;)
It's always the same; when the abuse begins, the argument is lost, and the abuse of poor wee Joe-90 is well under way. ;)
I think you'll find the abusive postings were started by BAS, due to his "moral imperative"...
Then you are a racist IMO.
But you have shown yourself to be incapable of forming sound opinions.
But you have shown yourself to be incapable of understanding the difference between an opinion, a fact, and an argument.

If you had respect for another peoples culture and religious convictions you would tolerate their beliefs and not preach down to them in a vitriolic manner.
Not if their beliefs contravened absolute moral imperatives.
There are no moral imperatives. If you need proof of that statement then simply examine your belief that your opinion is always "sound" (sic).

I would ask you to look up what "prejudice" actually means, but you'd only go and look up a different word.
Is that a prediction, or a prejudice?
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And for the bible punchers thats taking over the thread,m explain the meaning of and eye for an eye in the Bible, or isn't that in the watch tower.
I don't think I'm a Bible puncher, but that supposed quote from the Christian Bible is invariably both stated and taken wrongly. It actually goes like this:

Matthew 5:38-5:39

You have heard that it was said, "An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth". But I say to you, do not resist an evildoer. If anyone strikes you on the right cheek, turn to him the other also.

So the meaning is the opposite of what people regularly construe.

So what you are saying is if he rapes and murders your daughter, you would be happy for him to do the same with the other or someones elses.

Gods will an all that.
No not at all.
Disagreeing is one thing but going into their place of worship and spouting vitriol is another and could only be the work of a racist IMO.
But you have shown yourself to be incapable of forming sound opinions.

I care not what "race" someone is - I don't give any killers special dispensation.

So a group of people who believe in capital punishment are KILLERS as though they weild the sword themselves or hold down a little girl and choke her to death after raping her ?.
Is this the OPINION of someone of sound mind ?.
If you claim to be of sound mind then I can only conclude that if you can walk into a Mosque and spout vitriol that you are a RACIST through and through.
So a group of people who believe in capital punishment are KILLERS as though they weild the sword themselves
Absolutely. However much you argue about relative morality and justification, it does inevitably come down to wanting to kill. Hiring somebody else to do it because you are too squeamish to do it yourself does not absolve you from responsibility.

or hold down a little girl and choke her to death after raping her ?.
Is this the OPINION of someone of sound mind ?.
Is it the opinion of someone of a sound mind that it's OK for people of sound mind to want to kill those who are not?

If you claim to be of sound mind then I can only conclude that if you can walk into a Mosque and spout vitriol that you are a RACIST through and through.
Presumably it doesn't matter how many times I point out that it's the content of someone's character that concerns me, not their race or religion, you'll keep on saying that?

Presumably it doesn't matter how many times I point out that I have no more, or less loathing for a Muslim, or a Christian, or a Jew etc than I do an atheist, you'll keep on saying that?

Presumably if this Mosque contained Arabs, Europeans, Africans and Asians you could explain which race I was singling out for criticism?

Presumably if there was a religion which practised human sacrifice you'd say it was racist to criticise it?
bas wrote

Absolutely. However much you argue about relative morality and justification, it does inevitably come down to wanting to kill. Hiring somebody else to do it because you are too squeamish to do it yourself does not absolve you from responsibility.

This statement is about as nonsensical as my charge to you that you are a racist.
If the people who believe in capital punishment are KILLERS then why are they not locked up in jail or why indeed are you not contacting DIY not about the many killers on this forum so that charges may be brought against them for being KILLERS.

I think the type of world you envisage could never exist. Everyone has the ability to kill someone else.
Even you. ;)
This statement is about as nonsensical as my charge to you that you are a racist.
If the people who believe in capital punishment are KILLERS then why are they not locked up in jail
1) Because of the flawed morals of people who think it isn't wrong for the state to use killing as a punishment and means of control.

2) Because the proponents of killing try to distance themselves from it in their minds so that they don't have to face their responsibility.

I think the type of world you envisage could never exist. Everyone has the ability to kill someone else.
Even you. ;)
Having the ability does not mean that you have the desire, or that you have to use that ability.
This statement is about as nonsensical as my charge to you that you are a racist.

So you finally admit that you are nonsensical? Thank Heaven for that. Hallelujah.
This statement is about as nonsensical as my charge to you that you are a racist.

So you finally admit that you are nonsensical? Thank Heaven for that. Hallelujah.

If you believed everything you read you would eat everything you see.
Looks like you eat everything you see. :rolleyes:
Of course it was nonsensical. You didn't think I actually meant it did you ?.
Just go off and eat a large slice of humble pie. You had your butt kicked by BAS.
Just go off and eat a large slice of humble pie. You had your butt kicked by BAS.

I agree with a lot of what he says just as I agree with a lot of what the proponents of capital punishment say.
His last post does not make sense though and I don't think he answered my question very clearly.
When you actually know what the word 'racism' means - come back and tell us. I hate ginger haired people. Does that make me a racist?
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