There goes a lot of your winter fuel payments

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Somebody needs to break it to Mottie.
Actually, I’ve never had it and even though I will lose out, I agree with it! If I take my mother, my mother in law and almost everyone that I know that are of state pension age - none of those people actually 'need' it! It should go to those that really do need it so it's only fair for it go to those that are on pension credit. Obviously some on pension credit are on it because they haven't put any away or paid into a pension to provide for themselves in old age but you sometimes have to let that go.
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I recall Elton John saying he received it, but passed it on to charity
The simplest way to achieve this would be to lower the 40% tax threshold for pensioners

Wonder if she realises that lots of wealthy pensioners don’t bother claim the state pension ?

My 87 year old mil doesn’t get any pension credit but struggles to get by. Why should she lose it ?

And there will be large numbers of Labour voters unhappy about this

Talk about policies of envy
Wonder if she realises that lots of wealthy pensioners don’t bother claim the state pension ?
Thread resurrection, only because I didn’t want to start another one. A bloke I know who runs the shoot I take my dog on has never claimed his state pension. He's 73. He's still working, occasionally! He designs and builds swimming pools. He got a call a month or so ago asking him why he’d never claimed it. He said he's never thought about it because he didn’t need it! Anyway, they said you have to have it and he'd built up a tidy sum - they even added interest on to it. He's just received a payment for..........£59,200. Nice windfall!
….and is now getting his state pension every 4 weeks. There's someone who doesn’t need a winter fuel allowance!
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So the chap above gets about £12K in state pension and pays about £4800 income tax on it
….and is now getting his state pension every 4 weeks. There's someone who doesn’t need a winter fuel allowance!
Strange as a mate of mine never claimed his for 2 and half years thinking it would build up for when he did claim it and when his accountant asked him why he wasnt claiming it .
told him nope you have to inform them you are deferring it and was only allowed to claim around 6 months of it back this was at beginning of this year

Strange as a mate of mine never claimed his for 2 and half years thinking it would build up for when he did claim it and when his accountant asked him why he wasnt claiming it .
told him nope you have to inform them you are deferring it and was only allowed to claim around 6 months of it back this was at beginning of this year
Well he should question that. I can absolutely guarantee that’s what happened to the bloke I know. That post of mine that I quoted was made over 3 years ago and he hadn’t ever claimed since reaching pension age about 8 years before that - I don’t know if things have changed since then.
….and is now getting his state pension every 4 weeks. There's someone who doesn’t need a winter fuel allowance!
I know someone at work who is doing the same thing but he is 78. He doesn't want to take it as he'll have a big tax bill but it just grows every year.
There is an other factor as well. Many pensioners not aware that they can claim and don't. Intent to make them more aware.

;) A lot of these who don't need it support the Tory.

Some boarder line cases might suffer.
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