There goes a lot of your winter fuel payments

And yet you took furlough payments for work you weren't going to do and boasted that it was 'holiday money'...
And kitchen money too - don't forget that. Anyway, the winter fuel payment is only a couple of hundred quid while furlough money and other business handouts were fùcking thousands! ;)
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St Martin of Lewis is scathing about the Labour deal for Winter payments @the National Scot: saying "The targeting of Winter Fuel Payments is too narrow with the winter we have coming.

Apparently his fiscal foresight extends to foreseeing the weather...

Now only those households with someone aged over state pension age who get one of Pension Credit, Universal Credit, Income Support, income-based Jobseeker’s Allowance and income-related Employment and Support Allowance will continue to receive Winter Fuel Payments.

Isn't it fair, in the same way paying the BBC licence fee, is for people who can afford to pay do so and subsidise folk who're less fortunate?
Apparently his fiscal foresight extends to foreseeing the weather...
The subject is bound to get responses that it has had from some sources.

Pay rises are also getting a different sort of flack. What's going on there is a mix of attracting people to certain jobs keeping them and also part countering inflation for some others. Average pay rose by 5.7% March 2024 to May 2024 so some areas are getting the same. A few areas more for specific reasons. These are all state jobs that have always been firmly clamped down to a stupid level. They part recovery from that.

Child cap - better to target to where more support is needed. That they will do at some point. Much like the fuel allowance there is scope.

More debt. The IFS did see that as a possibility. Different attitude now - there would be risk. The OBR - it has to fit their rules. We have used what we can. Really?

Hunt's £20b tax cut. Well figure that out for yourself also the usage of the billions meant to account for forecasting errors being used up. That's gone and will take some time to correct. Have these rules but don't stick to them.

Also in the general civil area there are likely to be some job cuts as that can often be the only way of reducing costs. The level they have set is not excessive.
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It's going to become more austere, under Labour.

I think they have more sense than to follow the Conservative austerity policies.

Do you think they will follow Theresa May's lead and cut police?

"Lord Condon, Lord Stevens, Lord Blair, Sir Paul Stephenson and Lord Hogan-Howe, who between then ran the Met from 1993 to 2017 don’t mince their words. Speaking of a service that has endured a reduction of 20,000 front line officers since 2010 they described in a letter to the Times the consequences of this: the ‘virtual destruction’ of community policing."

Will they make railways worse? Potholes? The NHS? The sewage?
It's going to become more austere, under Labour.
Maybe after a fashion but they are targetting improvements in certain areas. NHS for instance. That can have effects in several areas. Some longer term and some that should have an effect fairly soon. I assume the BMA are happy about the fairly soon ideas. Staff appear to be plus they are getting more money.

More hospitals - another area where the money doesn't seem to have been allocated.
About 2 weeks before election reeves was in our local paper saying it was Tory scare mongering that the rebuilding of the local hospital would not go ahead if labour got in. Yesterday sounds like one of first things she has done is put it on hold
The simplest way to achieve this would be to lower the 40% tax threshold for pensioners

Wonder if she realises that lots of wealthy pensioners don’t bother claim the state pension ?

My 87 year old mil doesn’t get any pension credit but struggles to get by. Why should she lose it ?

And there will be large numbers of Labour voters unhappy about this

Talk about policies of envy
Whining Conservative voter who takes no responsibility for Conservatives cutting NI to buy voters causing the shortfall.
It's going to become more austere, under Labour.
Utter bolox

Wages have stagnated for last 14 years under a CONSERVATIVE govt

The last 14 years has seen a huge rise in the assets and wealthy of the rich whilst ordinary working people have seen wages stagnate
Utter bolox

Wages have stagnated for last 14 years under a CONSERVATIVE govt

The last 14 years has seen a huge rise in the assets and wealthy of the rich whilst ordinary working people have seen wages stagnate
Really my old jobs basic has gone up from under 30k to about 44k no stagnation there
About 2 weeks before election reeves was in our local paper saying it was Tory scare mongering that the rebuilding of the local hospital would not go ahead if labour got in. Yesterday sounds like one of first things she has done is put it on hold
The cause is 14 years of mismanagement of the economy by Con party

You voted for them, the mess is on you
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