To all those that welcome/encourage the small boat migrants.

Shoot on sight.
God knows where these trash are coming from. Yours wives and daughters are not safe.
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Shoot on sight.
God knows where these trash are coming from. Yours wives and daughters are not safe.
Wives and daughters, mothers, fathers, sons, and husbands are absolutely not safe when there's people encouraging a "shoot on sight" practice.
It would be full scale civil war. :rolleyes:
There's some real barmy people about.
you've been watching too many Spaghetti Westerns. :ROFLMAO:
however he asserted that even under Labour years ago, the UK was much more efficient at 'sending people back' and quickly if they didn't meet the requirements to remain.
thats true

we were sending back 15,000-20,000 a year

last few years thats dropped to around 5000 a year

(numbers from memory, but in the ballpark)
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We had a law that said, if you come via illegal means you will never be granted a right to remain.

Now we have changed our mind and we are accepting claims from those arriving illegally.

And we don't think "never having the right to remain" was a deterrent and "being granted a right to claim asylum" isn't an incentive.

Its nuts and we will see the numbers rise to the level we had under the last labour government.
I've just posted this in another thread ...

This is where, in my opinion, it's not a stretch of the imagination to conclude much of this is intentional i.e. by design. For example the situation referenced in this thread. Also the farcical situation of the UK not being able to get on top on the small boat situation. And in the USA, record numbers pouring across their border however Kamala as Border Zsar or whatever the title hadn't even visited the border to assess the situation.

Here in Scotland the SNP suggested a few years back that we should consider building new towns, yes entirely new towns, with priority given to migrants when it comes to being housed there.

Therefore, increasingly, I conclude governments for whatever reasons do not want to solve this.
The problem that nobody has grasped is once they are here, its hard to get rid of them, particularly if they have disposed on their Identity.

There was talk of Illegals being able to earn the right to apply through volunteering etc. That would certainly weed out the gangsters.

But Sir Keir argued: "At the moment, 100% of those arriving in this country are staying for life at the taxpayer’s expense". That's because he closed the scheme that was set up to take them.

So once their claims are rejected - what does he propose to do?
We had a law that said, if you come via illegal means you will never be granted a right to remain.

Now we have changed our mind and we are accepting claims from those arriving illegally.

And we don't think "never having the right to remain" was a deterrent and "being granted a right to claim asylum" isn't an incentive.

Its nuts and we will see the numbers rise to the level we had under the last labour government.
We had a law that said, if you come via a boat you will never be processed and you can remain in UK for evermore.

And we don't think "always having the right to remain" was a deterrent and "being granted a right to claim asylum" is a humane approach, that suggests that if your application is unsuccessful, you may be deported. :rolleyes:
We had a law that said, if you come via illegal means you will never be granted a right to remain.

Now we have changed our mind and we are accepting claims from those arriving illegally.

And we don't think "never having the right to remain" was a deterrent and "being granted a right to claim asylum" isn't an incentive.

Its nuts and we will see the numbers rise to the level we had under the last labour government.
Sending more back than the previous govt , after just days.

Is that better or worse ?
And in the USA, record numbers pouring across their border however Kamala as Border Zsar or whatever the title hadn't even visited the border to assess the situation.
Do you think KH's not visiting has had an effect. Or if she had visited it would have made any material difference?

But there are two other issues with your comment.
first, she did visit in 2022.
Secondly, she was tasked with tackling the root causes of migration.
The border crossings are a minor symptom of the 'root causes of migration'. (She has generated jobs in South America, which is far more relevant to her task, than visiting a border crossing.)
A couple more for the welcomers to be proud of. These British run charities on the departure beaches in France as well as those over here should be telling them how dangerous and unnecessary it is crossing the channel from a safe country instead of giving them help and encouragement to risk their lives. Shame on them.

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A couple more for the welcomers to be proud of. These British run charities on the departure beaches in France as well as those over here should be telling them how dangerous and unnecessary it is crossing the channel from a safe country instead of giving them help and encouragement to risk their lives. Shame on them.

Who is helping and encouraging asylum seekers to risk their lives? :rolleyes:

More racist nonsense and disinformation from Mottie.
Shame on him.
A couple more for the welcomers to be proud of. These British run charities on the departure beaches in France as well as those over here should be telling them how dangerous and unnecessary it is crossing the channel from a safe country instead of giving them help and encouragement to risk their lives. Shame on them.

Are these people actually giving help and encouragement to risk their lives?

Or are you just twisting the information?

I read this, and see the highlighted part.

UK government spokesperson confirmed the "tragic incident" had taken place and said it "underlines the terrible dangers of small boat crossings".

"We continue to do everything we can to prevent callous criminals exploiting vulnerable people. Our thoughts are with those affected," they said.

The second incident involved 50 migrants, 36 of whom were rescued by the French vessel Minck. Fourteen others were rescued by another vessel.
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