Trump is talking sense

What was it I said about you exactly? I said you feigned ignorance about faith and were doing just that as you admitted posts later that was exactly what you were doing. Go and wind someone else up and get them banned instead.
Told you about him. He is a wrong un.

Anyway, I think this is the end for us. As I have said several times before, I have very much enjoyed our conversations. But it has now become dysfunctional and too much like hard work.
What would you do to get all the illegals out? Or, given we know you're a wokey, are you happy for more and more to pour in?
I would not call people: gangsters, hardened criminals, criminal scum, murderers or rapists as an excuse to deport people.

Apparently you are quite happy to falsely accuse people as an excuse to deport them…..what sort of a person are you?
A Trump hating troll insists on remaining on the thread.
People who hate Trump are decent people.

People on this forum who like Trump are morally corrupt, devious and troublemaking……ie hating trolls.
What are you doing on this thread?
I am pointing out that Trump is not talking sense but lying constantly making life worse for Americans

What are you doing on this thread…….gettin yerself confused by transgenic and transgender it seems :ROFLMAO:
Nobody cares. Toddle off back to the Art of Antisemitism or wherever else it is trolls like to hang out.
People do care that a trump is destroying America…..especially Americans.

When are you going back to twitter?