Trump Re Ukraine

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The 2019 election was rated free by international inspectors. But not especially fair. That was because Zelensky's opponent, the sitting President, tried to use the power of the state to influence it. Despite that, Zelensky still thrashed him.
I guess we'll never know!
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I guess we'll never know!
There is only one way to think on this forum. Their way. All other thought and query must be stamped out. This is their idea of the world they want to live in and want us to live in. 1984.
There is only one way to think on this forum. Their way. All other thought and query must be stamped out. This is their idea of the world they want to live in and want us to live in. 1984.

You are funny some times.
I'm sick of it.

All I posted were some facts that there were a large number of international observers and that the election was rated as free. Also that any unfairness was on the side of the sitting President who was notoriously corrupt. Hardly something to get sick about!
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