Ukraine counter offensive

He was, according to many creditable sources, welcomed in Rostov on Don and the local "loyal to Putin" forces do nothing oppose him. Likewise in other towns along the M4 towards Moscow. There was political support by the authorities in many of the towns that Wagner move into. Had the Wagner force proceeded a bit further along the M4 then that political support may have become strong and united enough to allow, and maybe even assist, the Wagner to reach the outskirts of Moscow.

There would then have been intensive fighting between Wagner and those armed forces devoutly loyal to Putin. The question is how long would that loyalty have lasted.

Lukashenko offered Putin a way to avoid that conflict. What will Lukashenko want from Putin in return ?.
The Wagner troops were the ones used for the really tough fights. I'm sure pootin was a bit concerned a lot of his support forces wouldn't put up much of a fight as przghin advanced.

Most of pootins best troops are away fighting somewhere already
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Mr Assad had better keep his running shoes handy

Should Russia implode ???

Reports suggest ?? That various war lords ??? In Russia have been building up there private security companies for a good few months
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And I understand their lives were often thrown away.

The ones who are still alive will be more experienced, and more cautious.
The experienced Wagner troops may just decide to keep their heads down to survive their 'contract to freedom'. If they are expected to merge with the regular army, will their contracts be honoured?
25,000 ex mercenaries, now stateless ? where should they go ?

most will be doctors dentists teachers,nurses and other such professionals, just like all the other migrants that arrive over the channel - britans going to be fantastic, all the people we really need.
The Wagner troops are being folded into the Russian military. They're all either professional soldiers or they're the few ex-cons that survived.
25,000 ex mercenaries, now stateless ? where should they go ?

most will be doctors dentists teachers,nurses and other such professionals, just like all the other migrants that arrive over the channel - britans going to be fantastic, all the people we really need.
What motivates mercenaries: money, patriotism , excitement? Pootin will sort out the wheat from the chaff and deploy them back in Ukrane or wherever in Middle East or Africa they are needed. But whatever he does, he must destroy prizgovins power base before he serves the cold dish on pootins chef

Putin has gone back on his word and is now trying to get prigozhin arrested and charged.

prigozhin still has full support of Wagner, so I would say this is going to be interesting

THE Wagner Group of mercenaries, withdrawn from Ukraine after a brief mutiny, has arrived at a North Yorkshire caravan park for a fortnight’s break.

The private army has commandeered all pitches with electric hook-ups for their tanks, are occupying the top four fields at Stoat’s Hollow Caravans and are keeping themselves to themselves.

Yevgeny Prigozhin said: “We’re off the frontlines of Ukraine after a tough year and we needed a break, you know? And the Yorkshire coast is lovely if you get the sun.

“What’s a tank but a campervan with armour anyway? The lads are enjoying stretching out and having a bit of a paddle, and I’m doing a barbecue later. Once a chef always a chef, you know?

“Yes, a few of them took Scarborough in a pincer movement out of habit, but they apologised and hardly anyone died. And tell me how you’re supposed to get rid of wasps without shooting them? Exactly.

“A fortnight off and we’ll be refreshed and ready to return to the fray. Why aren’t we at a Camping and Caravanning Club site? Hey, we’re amoral mercenaries, not fascists.”

He added: “Tomorrow? I’m thinking Flamingo Land.”
Of course Lukashenko will keep Prigozhin safe from those nasty Russian zealots,
won't he?
Maybe he'll turn up at Dover in a rubber boat. Plenty of mates over here.
Putin has gone back on his word and is now trying to get prigozhin arrested and charged.

prigozhin still has full support of Wagner, so I would say this is going to be interesting
Yep, the ink was barely dry on that deal. But the Wagner Boss would have known it was as good as a contract written in water.

I'm assuming he's already been taken Ill?
A Russian airliner part of Putins special flight squadron ( presidential
Fleet) has flown from Moscow to Washington to ferry key diplomats back to Moscow amid rising tensions between Russia and the west ???

The US and allies have spent days after the aborted mutiny attempting to signal to poo tin that the west does not want regime change in Moscow ???

The focus has been on ensuring the west does not fuel poo tins paranoia that the west had a role in this mutiny / Wagner caper

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