Ukraine counter offensive

The US senate is planning to pass a motion to direct that blowing up
The nuclear power station in Ukraine would amount to an

“Article five event “

a direct attack on Nato !!!!!!!
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Apparently the Ukranians have discovered 6 or 8 WW2 buried hurricane fighter planes

Apparently the UK supplied Russia with 3000 planes during the war

They intend to make / restore one hurricane from the 6 or 8
The United States has decided to send cluster munitions to Ukraine, multiple news outlets have reported, despite concerns about the deployment of weapons banned by more than 100 countries.
A weapons package including cluster munitions fired from a 155-millimetre Howitzer cannon is expected to be announced as soon as Friday, three US officials told the Reuters news agency on condition of anonymity.

news@Al Jazz.cwm

We're the good guys, right?
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Perhaps it will prompt Russia to reconsider its use of these munitions.
I'm not sure how I feel about cluster munitions. The dud rate is worrying and have all the worst aspects of landmines, but they're brutally effective and 100,000 shells is 100,000 shells.
They mostly maim and kill civilians, particularly children, and after the conflict has ended.

Britain is one of the countries that was (briefly) attacked with them.
They mostly maim and kill civilians, particularly children, and after the conflict has ended.
During the conflict they mostly maim and kill combatants and vehicles. And they do it incredibly effectively.

Then post conflict you need to de-mine the area to avoid civilian casualties.

To your earlier point, it won't make any difference to Russia's continuing use of cluster munitions.
It's a moral minefield, no mistake. But as both sides are complaining about a lack of ammunition it suggests this offensive by the Ukraine army will stall unless more firepower is brought to bear on well constructed Russian defensive positions. What they really need is a bombing campaign from the air but that's fraught with peril.
It's a moral minefield, no mistake. But as both sides are complaining about a lack of ammunition it suggests this offensive by the Ukraine army will stall unless more firepower is brought to bear on well constructed Russian defensive positions. What they really need is a bombing campaign from the air but that's fraught with peril.
Airpower is effectively restricted to acting as trucks for either guided or unguided missiles launched from behind occupied lines.

Without stealth aircraft or NATO style SAM suppression (weapons, aircraft , pilots trained for it, ELINT, Predator drones, Satellite imagery, HIMARS with the 300km missiles and cruise missiles galore) the air is too dangerous for aircraft to operate without hideous losses. Patriot and the S300/400s are very good at their jobs.
Turkey has been supplying cluster munitions to the Ukraine for a good while

Turkey never signed up to the anti cluster munitions caper
Ukraine has been using cluster munitions during the conflicts in the Donbas area prior to the invasion. No news here. They probably ran out.
They'd be awfully jolly handy to use against Russian convoys bringing in materiel. A bit like grape shot on advancing cavalry.
After 500 days of conflict they appear to have reached a stalemate: Ukraine isn't going forward with any momentum and Russia is stubbornly not going anywhere.


Analysis and an appraisal of current events can be found @Al Jazeera
After 500 days of conflict they appear to have reached a stalemate: Ukraine isn't going forward with any momentum and Russia is stubbornly not going anywhere.


Analysis and an appraisal of current events can be found @Al Jazeera
If that's their take on it then it's pretty crap analysis.

Ukraine needs to breach the minefields and trenches Russia has built. Those breaches are very hard to make under artillery fire and are useless until Russian forces have been worn down so they're no longer able to respond to the breakthrough and they can't re establish minefields. This is what happened in Kherson.

This is a war of attrition, endurance and efficiency.
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