Ukraine counter offensive

Ukraine don't need us to fight for them. They want to fight, they just want us to help arm them. Ranting about sending British children to fight is nonsense.
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OK Notch, last year you were predicting that the Russian economy would collapse and the Ruskies would be living off potatoes and Borch soup
no I didnt

although the Russians are doing pretty badly

You also predicted that Remain would win the referendum
highly unlikely given I joined DIYnot a year after the referendum + its hardly a secret that I voted to leave in 2016
What price personally are you prepared to pay get Russia off Ukranian soil.
what choice is there?

only Putin can call an end to the war

if the West pull out and force Ukraine to surrender all that will do is allow Putin to make Ukraine part of Russia and he will then start more aggression on neighboring countries
If you have children or grandchildren are prepared to see them conscripted and sent to secure the sovereignty of Ukraine.

Or maybe you think it more appropriate to encourage others to send their kids to fight the Russians.
none of that is going to happen -Russia is exhausted now
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A made up word, but you continue to demonstrate it

no I didnt

although the Russians are doing pretty badly

highly unlikely given I joined DIYnot a year after the referendum + its hardly a secret that I voted to leave in 2016
Fair play Notch, but when you voted leave did you believe that the leave vote would win the referendum.?
Apart from that, your prediction of economic armageddon for the UK has not seemed to have materialised.
Your prediction of Borch and potato soup for the Russians seems to forced the Russians to eat Mcdonaldistytovich and Burgerkingoviscth.
The above is just a loose translation.
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what choice is there?

only Putin can call an end to the war

if the West pull out and force Ukraine to surrender all that will do is allow Putin to make Ukraine part of Russia and he will then start more aggression on neighboring countries
The "Domino theory" was used to kill millions in Asia for no good reason.
The same old, the same old is used over and over.
Why, because it works.
Apart from that, your prediction of economic armageddon for the UK has not seemed to have materialised
I never predicted economic Armageddon

What I predicted has come true:

UK now has much higher trade barriers with its largest trade partner
UK is less competitive due to brexit
UK has gained no benefits from brexit
UK has not taken back control of its borders
UK has not taken back control of its fishing
UK has not gained sovereignty
brexit has damaged fishing
brexit has damaged farming
The "Domino theory" was used to kill millions in Asia for no good reason.
The same old, the same old is used over and over.
Why, because it works.
your argument is completely false because in case you hadnt noticed Putin invaded Ukraine, nobody forced him.

Putin has already invaded 5 countries
if the West had taken more notice we could’ve stopped him invading

Putin has to be stopped
Wars all over the, Globe.
Should we interfere there as well.
That depends if the conflict acts contrary to our foreign policy.
The UK didn't act in Niger, for instance.
It's a problem for the French
Wars all over the, Globe.
Should we interfere there as well.

Ukraine is in Europe, in our continent

there’s no point agreeing any form of peace deal with Putin, he would just rebuild his forces to try again
Your prediction of Borch and potato soup for the Russians seems to forced the Russians to eat Mcdonaldistytovich and Burgerkingoviscth
I never made any prediction.

I note the Russian economy is failing badly though
The first world war started of as a regional conflict...

Russian agents agitated in Serbia to encourage anarchists towards separation from the Austro-Hungarian Empire. When one of them shot the Emperor, war only became inevitable when Germany gave them assurances they'd join in to fight the Russians if they'd join in to fight the French. Since our Entente with France would bring the British into it, then all hell would break loose. Which it did.
The Russians started it.
Wars all over the, Globe.
Should we interfere there as well.
Yes, but can't. Nato bogged down, pinned down, trapped, and stuck in ukraine. It can't go anywhere else. The rest of the world is getting peace, development, and happy times. Russia is the biggest bringer of peace in human history.
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