Ukraine counter offensive

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I was here before the EU joined UK, and hope I still will be when the EU trusts a reformed UK enough to consider its application again.

Though it will obviously take a very long time for UK to build a reputation as a trustworthy partner
I was here before the EU joined UK, and hope I still will be when the EU trusts a reformed UK enough to consider its application again.

Though it will obviously take a very long time for UK to build a reputation as a trustworthy partner

There are no 'tryustworthy' partners, that's why as recently as yesterday Germany were calling for the abolition of veto's and unaminous voting.
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You are correct that the Soviets declared war after Hiroshima but the Japanese didn't surrender after Hiroshima either.
They surrendered after the Russians declared war on them.


I knew enough to know that was crap, but checked:
Japan had known since Tehran in 43 and formal denunciation of the peace pact in April 45, that Russia planned to attack.
Japan did give in after Hiroshima. And after the Russians invaded some islands and Manchuria (now China) and after the later bomb at Nagasaki. Japan faced the assurance from Truman that Japan would suffer "prompt and utter destruction" by the US; the bombs demonstrated the method. Russia apparently never intended to invade mainland Japan.
Hirohito accepted the US/UK/China Allies' terms of the earlier Potsdam agreement, which contained the phrase "Unconditional Surrender".
Japan never surrendered to Russia - technically they're still at war.
Kuril island ownership is still disputed. One of them is full of ethnic Ukranians.
Poots has recently transferred forces to eastern Ukraine.
There are no 'tryustworthy' partners, that's why as recently as yesterday Germany were calling for the abolition of veto's and unaminous voting.
I'd have thought you might have known why the subject has cropped up. LOL One fact is it has nothing to do with the UK being in or out.

:ROFLMAO: And of course the heads of state have nothing to do with what goes on in the EU. It's this fictitious group called the EU that does this.
Unlike the American military (?) the Russians have never and will never take responssbility for there mistakes such as dropping a bomb on civilian targets shooting down civilian air liners ect ect

The US dumped millions ? of tons of chemical weapons (?) on Vietnam

None of this or any of there past behaviour has got f all to do with the current situation in the Ukraine
Absolutely nowt
You are correct that the Soviets declared war after Hiroshima but the Japanese didn't surrender after Hiroshima either.
They surrendered after the Russians declared war on them.

So if everyone apart from me tells you to stop your lies, then shortly after I tell you to stop your lies and you stop, then you must have responded to me alone?

The fact was the Japanese realised that Japan could be completely wiped of the face of the earth by the bomb, so to avoid that prospect, they surrendered. They didn't surrender to Russia, the surrendered to the US and the US's allies, on the USS Missouri.

Look at the facts. The United States bombed 68 cities in the summer of 1945. If you graph the number of people killed in all 68 of those attacks, you imagine that Hiroshima is off the charts, because that’s the way it’s usually presented. In fact, Hiroshima is second. Tokyo, a conventional attack, is first in the number killed. If you graph the number of square miles destroyed, Hiroshima is sixth. If you graph the percentage of the city destroyed, Hiroshima is 17th

What mattered and what impressed was the damage and death resulting from one single bomb, or in fact two bombs dropped on small cities as a sample of what the future might bring. You omitted Nagasaki above.
I think Japan is still technically at war with Russia ?

If so they could not have surrendered to them. The poo tin is strong in this vinty
I think Japan is still technically at war with Russia ?

If so they could not have surrendered to them. The poo tin is strong in this vinty

Afaik there have been some recent talks between russia and Japan on this caper in particular the territory
Islands that Russia occupied

Doubt if talks will amount to much
Negotiating with Putin unless from a position of strength generally results in nowt ???
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