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In November, Israel’s public broadcaster, Kan, uploaded on its official X page a video of Israeli children singing a song celebrating their country’s ongoing genocide of Palestinians in Gaza. The broadcaster deleted the video clip after a huge online backlash...a closer look at Israeli literature and curricula shows this open celebration of genocide was the only natural outcome of Israel’s persistent indoctrination – or brainwashing to be more blunt – of its children to ensure that they do not view Palestinians as human and fully embrace apartheid and occupation.

In his 1999 book, One Nation Under Israel, historian Andrew Hurley explained how Israel weaponises the Holocaust education it provides to Israeli children against the Palestinians. “The mind of a child (or of anyone else for that matter) cannot absorb the horrors of the Holocaust without finding someone to hate,” Hurley argued. “Since there are no Nazis around against whom vengeance can be sought, [Former Israeli Prime Ministers] [Menachem] Begin, [Yitzhak] Shamir and [Ariel] Sharon have solved this problem by calling the Arabs the Nazis of today and a proper target for retribution.”

Israel’s current Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, appears to be eagerly continuing with this tradition and has even claimed that it was a Palestinian who gave Adolf Hitler the idea for the Holocaust.

For his 1998 research paper, The Rocky Road Toward Peace: Beliefs on Conflict in Israeli Textbooks, Israeli academic Daniel Bar-Tal analysed 124 Israeli textbooks on various subjects and for various age groups approved by the Israeli Ministry of Education to be used in religious and secular schools across the country. To map out the ideological content transmitted to Israeli children in the education system, he looked at which “societal beliefs” received the most coverage in state-approved textbooks. He found that overall, the societal beliefs relating to (national) security received the most emphasis, followed by those concerning a positive self-image of Jews, and those that present Jews as the victims of the conflict. A majority of the analysed books were also found to include negative stereotypes about Arabs, portraying them as “cruel, immoral, unfair” and determined “to annihilate the State of Israel”.

So no, no one should be shocked to see Israeli children singing happily about the genocide of the Palestinians. Israel has been brainwashing them to do so for many generations.

Rifat Audeh@AlJazeera
He found that overall, the societal beliefs relating to (national) security received the most emphasis, followed by those concerning a positive self-image of Jews, and those that present Jews as the victims of the conflict. A majority of the analysed books were also found to include negative stereotypes about Arabs, portraying them as “cruel, immoral, unfair” and determined “to annihilate the State of Israel”.

So no, no one should be shocked to see Israeli children singing happily about the genocide of the Palestinians. Israel has been brainwashing them to do so for many generations.

Rifat Audeh@AlJazeera
Not much difference to views of Muslims and asylum seekers promoted, by some through social media sites then.
Every and any opportunity is exploited to demonise them.
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Not much difference to views of Muslims and asylum seekers promoted, by some through social media sites then.
Exery and any oipportunity is exploited to demonise them.
And muslims and asylum seekers are devoid of any indoctrination.
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Not much difference to views of Muslims and asylum seekers promoted, by some through social media sites then.
Exery and any oipportunity is exploited to demonise them.

For the progression of conversation Roy. Let's not pick mebup on my grammar anymore.
Any religious fanatic is dangerous. Most often they cannot see beyond their own beliefs until conflict forces them to.
And muslims and asylum seekers are devoid of any indoctrination.
Of course, extemists of any persuasion are taught by their parents and peers. But that does not automatically apply to Asylum seekers and Muslims. That's just your prejudice typically in action.
Invariably they are taught by twisting and misreprsenting history, facts, beliefs, etc, and promoting fake, mythological, incorrect scientific reality.
And there's a lot of that goes on in this forum, from some whose overwheliming prejudice causes them to twist reality and misrepresent laws, articles, history, etc.

Going back to your comment, it's invariably the "others" that are targetted in this forum, for the fake, mythological and incorrect scientific and historical facts that are used to demonise those "others".
For the progression of conversation Roy. Let's not pick mebup on my grammar anymore.
How is this remotely relevant to the discussion?
You could have messaged me, you could have started a new topic. :rolleyes:
And you've probably broken one of the rules. :rolleyes:
Evidently it's not just your grammar that I pick up on. :rolleyes:
Of course, extemists of any persuasion are taught by their parents and peers. But that does not automatically apply to Asylum seekers and Muslims. That's just your prejudice typically in action.
Invariably they are taught by twisting and misreprsenting history, facts, beliefs, etc, and promoting fake, mythological, incorrect scientific reality.
And there's a lot of that goes on in this forum, from some whose overwheliming prejudice causes them to twist reality and misrepresent laws, articles, history, etc
And you've just twisted my words to say I meant all Muslim and asylum seekers due to my prejudices. What a clown you are.
How is this remotely relevant to the discussion?
You could have messaged me, you could have started a new topic. :rolleyes:
And you've probably broken one of the rules. :rolleyes:
Evidently it's not just your grammar that I pick up on. :rolleyes:

It's not Roy but when you pull me up on my miss-spelling or grammar I like to remind you that your not perfect.
And you've just twisted my words to say I meant all Muslim and asylum seekers due to my prejudices. What a clown you are.
You can see it as you want, and you did, and you resorted to abuse, rather than discussion.

I intended to clarify that Asylum Seekers and Muslims are not automatically extremists due to their situation or religious persuasion. I did so because your comment intimated that was the case.
Maybe it was unconscious bias on your part or just sloppy writing.
It's not Roy but when you pull me up on my miss-spelling or grammar I like to remind you that your not perfect.
I don't claim to be. That is an allegation of a claim assigned to me by others.
And you've just reinforced that allegation by suggesting that I do make that claim. :rolleyes:
It's alright when he does it rolling round on the floor laughing, which he doesn't do by messaging may I add.
I see this discussion has now deteriorated to mere abuse, as usual. :rolleyes:
And that's broken the rules. :rolleyes:
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