
The History did not begin on 7th October.
In fact the 7th October could also be seen as a safety valve release, due to Israeli subjugation, prejudice, discrimination, apartheid, disposessing, killing, etc of Palestinians.

So they had it coming?
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By the end of November, nightly pictures of destruction and dead civilians, especially children, brought a change of attitude in world opinion which has been reflected in the UN votes for a ceasefire.

Not really, the UN would have voted against Israel in any case, they do have some form on this.
Retaliation by Israel was inevitable and entirely justified.
Do you believe retaliation against Israel was justified given 75 years of the oppression of the Palestinians?

No violence can ultimately be justified, but you have to be even handed if you want to bring an end to this madness...

I note that no-one has actually answered my question, namely "One wonders if those who always blame the Palestinians will condone the line that there should not be a Palestinian state?

If there is no hope for a state for the Palestinians then there is no hope for peace!
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Do you believe retaliation against Israel was justified given 75 years of the oppression of the Palestinians?

No violence can ultimately be justified, but you have to be even handed if you want to bring an end to this madness...

I note that no-one has actually answered my question, namely "One wonders if those who always blame the Palestinians will condone the line that there should not be a Palestinian state?

If there is no hope for a state for the Palestinians then there is no hope for peace!

The Palestinians were offered their own state by the UN, they rejected it choosing instead to go war with Israel, they were joined by 4 other arab countries, they were defeated.
They've tried many times since to destroy Israel, and failed.
Their stated aim is to destroy Israel and drive the jews into the sea.

I agree with you, there should be a Palestinian state. How do you make that happen when the people representing the Palestinians refuse to let that happen?
Not really, the UN would have voted against Israel in any case, they do have some form on this.
As of 2013, the State of Israel had been condemned in 45 resolutions by the United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC). Since the UNHRC's creation in 2006, it has resolved almost as many resolutions condemning Israel alone than on issues for the rest of the world combined.

I imagine there's been a few more since then...

Israel warns it will take 'many months' to eliminate Hamas in Gaza and America warns of their support being conditional upon world opinion, which is almost completely against any further Israeli attacks in revenge for October 7th. And this is entirely about vengeance now, isn't it? Nobody can pretend they're trying to save any more hostages as Hamas are just throwing their bodies into the street.

It's no good trying to destroy Hamas, either. Every air strike hardens resistence to the Zionists. Every death inspires further acts of revenge til the whole region is blind to the effects on world opinion and deaf to calls for a end to this violence.

The fighters of the Nur Shams refugee camp are part of a wider phenomenon of re-emerging Palestinian armed resistance to decades of Israeli occupation in the West Bank. Centred in the northern areas, it began in the Jenin refugee camp more than two years ago in June 2021 before spreading to Nablus, Jericho and Tulkarem among other places.
The development saw the rise of armed groups made up of young men aged 17 to 35, with the majority in their early 20s. With limited capabilities, the groups are focused on defence during Israeli military raids on the camps and attacking Israeli military checkpoints and illegal settlements. With his rifle strapped across his chest, Ziad*, a senior leader of the Tulkarem Brigades, is a man of few words. “It is our right to defend ourselves,” the fighter, who is in his mid-20s, tells Al Jazeera.


Not really, the UN would have voted against Israel in any case, they do have some form on this.
That's like saying the justice system keeps finding an habitual criminal guilty as a matter of routine.
The justice system will keep finding an habitual criminal guilty, if they are guilty. :rolleyes:

The UN keeps voting against Israel because Israel continues to commit war crimes, crimes against humanity, apartheid, inequality, disrcimination, indiscriminate killing, arrest and torture for no reason, disposession of land, etc.
And they have been doing it for decades.

Distribution of 300 assault rifles to West Bank civilian security squads underway​

Israel distributes arms to civilians.

Israel’s continuing oppressive and discriminatory system of governing Palestinians in Israel and the Occupied Palestinian Territories (OPT) constituted a system of apartheid, and Israeli officials committed the crime of apartheid under international law. Israeli forces launched a three-day offensive on the occupied Gaza Strip in August during which they committed apparent war crimes. This compounded the impact of a 15-year ongoing Israeli blockade that amounts to illegal collective punishment and further fragments Palestinian territory. Israel escalated its crackdown on Palestinians’ freedom of association. It also imposed arbitrary restrictions on freedom of movement and closures that amounted to collective punishment, mainly in the northern West Bank, ostensibly in response to armed attacks by Palestinians on Israeli soldiers and settlers. The year saw a rise in the number of Palestinians unlawfully killed and seriously injured by Israeli forces during raids in the West Bank. Administrative detentions of Palestinians hit a 14-year high, and torture and other ill-treatment continued. Israeli forces demolished al-Araqib village in the Negev/Naqab for the 211th time. A further 35 Palestinian-Bedouin towns in Israel were still denied formal recognition and residents faced possible forcible transfer. Authorities failed to process asylum claims for thousands of asylum seekers, and imposed restrictions on their right to work.

In May 2021, Palestinian families in Sheikh Jarrah, a neighbourhood in occupied East Jerusalem, began protesting against Israel’s plan to forcibly evict them from their homes to make way for Jewish settlers. Many of the families are refugees, who settled in Sheikh Jarrah after being forcibly displaced around the time of Israel’s establishment as a state in 1948. Since Israel occupied East Jerusalem and the rest of the West Bank in 1967, Palestinians in Sheikh Jarrah have been continuously targeted by Israeli authorities, who use discriminatory laws to systematically dispossess Palestinians of their land and homes for the benefit of Jewish Israelis. The events of May 2021 were emblematic of the oppression which Palestinians have faced every day, for decades. The discrimination, the dispossession, the repression of dissent, the killings and injuries – all are part of a system which is designed to privilege Jewish Israelis at the expense of Palestinians.

JERUSALEM, Nov 14 (Reuters) - A senior far-right member of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's government said on Tuesday Gaza could not survive as an independent entity and it would be better for Palestinians there to leave for other countries.
The Palestinians were offered their own state by the UN, they rejected it choosing instead to go war with Israel, they were joined by 4 other arab countries, they were defeated.
They've tried many times since to destroy Israel, and failed.
Their stated aim is to destroy Israel and drive the jews into the sea.

I agree with you, there should be a Palestinian state. How do you make that happen when the people representing the Palestinians refuse to let that happen?
The only Israeli PM to be prepared to accept a Palestinian state was assasinated by a Zionist.

How Israel jails hundreds of Palestinians without charge​

180 Palestinian children and women released from prison by Israel in the recent exchange for hostages held by Hamas in Gaza.
But at the same time the Palestinian prisoners were being released, Israel was detaining people at its highest rate in years. In the weeks since 7 October, the number of people in administrative detention - already at a 30-year high of 1,300 - has shot up to more than 2,800.
The only Israeli PM to be prepared to accept a Palestinian state was assasinated by a Zionist.

Ariel Sharon wasn't assassinated by a Zionist, Ehud Barak wasn't assassinated by a Zionist, Ehud Olmert wasn't assassinated by a Zionist. These were all Israeli PM's who actively negotiated toward a two state solution.

More ****** from you Roy.

All four have been longstanding members of Hamas with close links to the leadership of the group's military branch, said prosecutors.

Abdelhamid Al A had been tasked by Hamas leaders in Lebanon with sourcing weapons. The weapons were due to be taken to Berlin and kept at the ready for potential terrorist attacks against Jewish institutions, said prosecutors.

"Following the terrible attacks by Hamas on the Israeli population, attacks on Jews in Jewish institutions have also increased in our country in recent weeks," said German Justice Minister Marco Buschmann in a statement on the detentions.
Ariel Sharon wasn't assassinated by a Zionist, Ehud Barak wasn't assassinated by a Zionist, Ehud Olmert wasn't assassinated by a Zionist. These were all Israeli PM's who actively negotiated toward a two state solution.

More ****** from you Roy.
Yirzhak Rabin is the only Israeli PM to be assasinated. So your comment is technically correct, the others weren't killed for any reason, nor by anyone. :rolleyes:
However the assasination of Yitzhak Rabin is factual history.
The assassination of Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin was the culmination of an anti-violence rally in support of the Oslo peace process.[1] Rabin was disparaged personally by right-wing conservatives and Likud leaders who perceived the peace process as an attempt to forfeit the occupied territories and a capitulation to Israel's enemies.[2][3][page needed]

National religious conservatives and Likud party leaders believed that withdrawing from any "Jewish" land was heresy.[4] The Likud leader and future prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, accused Rabin's government of being "removed from Jewish tradition [...] and Jewish values".[2][3] Right-wing rabbis associated with the settlers' movement prohibited territorial concessions to the Palestinians and forbade soldiers in the Israel Defense Forces from evacuating Jewish settlers under the accords

He was killed with Netanyahu's cooperation.

Labor chief Michaeli: Rabin was assassinated with Netanyahu’s cooperation​


Our statement debunking the claims of mass rape used to siphon off support from the Palestinian resistance

These claims are unsubstantiated and based on no real evidence

Even Zionist media sources, such as The Times of Israel, have stated that there is no conclusive evidence that even a single case of rape or sexual assault has occurred at the hands of the Palestinian freedom fighters, much less that it has occurred en masse.
The only Israeli PM to be prepared to accept a Palestinian state was assasinated by a Zionist.

So as I've now listed another 3 Israeli PM's who were prepared to accept a two state nation you accept this is another of your lies.

"Yirzhak Rabin is the only Israeli PM to be assasinated. So your comment is technically correct, the others weren't killed for any reason, nor by anyone. :rolleyes:
However the assasination of Yitzhak Rabin is factual history."
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