VAT on education?

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I think the bit that new old new labour have missed, is that it doesn't take much of a drop in private education and shift to state funded education to entirely remove any net increase in tax revenue.

10M in state school
1/2 a million in private school.
Have they missed it or have they looked and decided it isnt likely.
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Poor quality state school education

When the ruling classes don't use it, they don't care about it.

Like public transport.

Like the NHS.

Armed forces get. Continuity of Education Allowance (CEA) and additional discounts from private providers.

I can also see plenty of ways to avoid the VAT. I’m sure private schools will be exploring them.
Thing is that parents who can afford the expensive top schools will ALWAYS be able to afford the top schools

The people on the edge of affording private schools are going to suffer, and as numbers drop, schools will close and the numbers in the state sector will increase.

This is a politics of envy hammer to break an egg, nothing else. All Theeves needs to do is raise the upper rates of income tax and sort it that way
When the grumpy, bitter classes can’t afford it or don’t want to pay for it or use it. They like to tax it to pay for the things they like to use. Apparently it’s called chipping in
Thing is that parents who can afford the expensive top schools will ALWAYS be able to afford the top schools

The people on the edge of affording private schools are going to suffer, and as numbers drop, schools will close and the numbers in the state sector will increase.

This is a politics of envy hammer to break an egg, nothing else. All Theeves needs to do is raise the upper rates of income tax and sort it that way
Get the 1% who pay 28% of all income tax to pay more income tax?

10k left the U.K. when they realised Labour would win and another 10k will leave this year. That’s about 3-4bn in tax lost.
Get the 1% who pay 28% of all income tax to pay more income tax?

10k left the U.K. when they realised Labour would win and another 10k will leave this year. That’s about 3-4bn in tax lost.

Yes and that's the issue that the left fail to grasp - which leaves the middle classes to pick up the tab as usual.
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