VAT on education?

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We'll have to agree to differ, but doing your homework in the back of rolls is the same as doing as your homework in the back of a fiat panda, its about affordability not luxury.
What's affordability about private education if its not a luxury ?

Education is available to those that can't or won't pay for private
When the grumpy, bitter classes can’t afford it or don’t want to pay for it or use it. They like to tax it to pay for the things they like to use. Apparently it’s called chipping in
Just explain why it shouldn't be taxed rather than trying to justify subsidy for the few.

What is charitable about any business
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Every tax payer is paying for state education whether they use it or not. People do not get a rebate on NI for having private medical insurance or general tax for sending their kids to private school.

By sending your kids to a fee paying school that is one less kid being funded by the tax payer. My kids went to state school, but I recognise that those who send their kids to fee paying schools are releasing the state system from some cost burden.

It should not be discouraged.
Yes and that's the issue that the left fail to grasp - which leaves the middle classes to pick up the tab as usual.
I keep hearing this.

If you want to live here with the lifestyle it offers, pay for it

If not, move on. It's the same with certain big companies too..

No ordinary taxpayer should be subsiding charities for a few that don't want state education.

It's a luxury, nobody is forced to pay for it.
Every tax payer is paying for state education whether they use it or not. People do not get a rebate on NI for having private medical insurance or general tax for sending their kids to private school.

By sending your kids to a fee paying school that is one less kid being funded by the tax payer. My kids went to state school, but I recognise that those who send their kids to fee paying schools are releasing the state system from some cost burden.

It should not be discouraged.
It's not discouraged, it's just vat on a luxury goods
Every tax payer is paying for state education whether they use it or not.

And people able to afford private education resent paying for the nation to educate the common people.

So when the ruling classes do not use public services, they like to see funding, and hence quality, run down.
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