VE Day 75 years later: The real story of how Britain won WW2

Dance around it all you like, you omitted the RN too

Are you having me on?

I forgot Dad's army, the farmers The police the fire brigade our docters our nurses, Operation Pied Piper,
plucky civilians hurrying across the Channel in their Little Boats.

I did however mention a collective that come under the banner British, Country, Island nation.

But I think you finally get my point. Well done
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I like a dance Crystal but you don't stop dancing.
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This lot never got there on its own
The Allied supply of hardware to the Ruskies was much needed sticking plaster at a crucial time. However, we got good value for our investment. The Soviets soaked up bullets and got rid of Gerries, in staggering quantities.
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The Allied supply of hardware to the Ruskies was much needed sticking plaster at a crucial time. However, we got good value for our investment. The Soviets soaked up bullets and got rid of Gerries, in staggering quantities.

The Russians may have beat the Germans without our help and they may have walked through a beaten Europe and come knocking on our door.... If the Americans never made a base.

Just lucky we stood were others fell.
It wasn't a stiff upper lip that helped beat the Germans.
The geographic location of this country strong leadership, our airforce, army and hardwear did what it had to do until the Americans pulled their finger out.

It was never likely D day was going to happen from Iceland.
Yes,it all helped,,,but starting with “”what ifs”” ,,,no end to it...we are an island,,full stop...What if D day was called off,what if Pearl harbour never happened,what if Hitler had not diverted his aircraft to London and had gained air superiority,what if Monty,Churchill and Bomber Harris did not exist,,what if Mitchell did not invent the Spitfire because he was never born because his parents did not meet,on and on on,,,,,we will never know..
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The Russians may have beat the Germans without our help and they may have walked through a beaten Europe and come knocking on our door.... If the Americans never made a base.

Just lucky we stood were others fell.
Never stood alone though
The German losses at Stalingrad alone were huge in men and equipment

Some thing like 350000 German (and other allies) troops were lost in that battle

The Russians moved all or most of there weapon production East into the Urals

Well out of range of the luftwaffe

Take just the amount of troops and kit that was lost at Stalingrad and put them on the Normandy front ;)
"Quantity is a quality" allegedly said Uncle Joe. Mind you it took 5 Sherman's to take out a Panzer. Germans had good kit, US and Russia had more.
The Eagle Squadrons 1940 were in part American pilots. Yet America didn't join us until 1942.

Does this mean America was in the war prior to December 1941.
Still had to take off and land on English soil, using British aircraft. Very proud of them.

If I'm not mistaken they had the highest number of kills of any squadron, now they really didn't like Germans, saw too many of their family hanging from lamp posts I suppose.
Blighty did her bit, no doubt about it. But we would never have stood a land invasion from the Gerries. To think what the Russian civillians and soldiers had to endure throughout Operation Barbarossa and sustain that kind of slaughter - not a hope in hell. Horrific.
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