If I need to lose weight I have porridge for breakfast and also replace one other meal with porridge, leaves me full while loosing a couple of pounds a week.
Where do you stop.If I need to lose weight I have porridge for breakfast and also replace one other meal with porridge, leaves me full while loosing a couple of pounds a week.
Yeah, tell your brain or muscles they don't need carbs and see how they respond.I'm not so sure of that
Yeah, tell your brain or muscles they don't need carbs and see how they respond.
We need some, just not as much as the average portion or spagbol provides.
Christmas cards, birthday cards, congrat's cards?Where diabetes is concerned maybe eat cards last if your having say a Sunday roast.
Christmas cards, birthday cards, congrat's cards?
So guys
I have been doing research and I have decided to go down the 16-8 intermittent fasting route. It’s going to be the least disruptive for me; I am a late breakfast eater anyway (11ish). I am going to extend it further to 12. Hoping to eat 2 sensible meals within the 8 hour slot. Even if I lose half a stone by the end of the month atleast I will know I am going in the right direction. Will keep you posted how I get on and if I lose any weight at all by the month end.
Thank you. I will check it out later. Yes, I did have a headache earlier. I assume because my body is used to sugary snacks and I have kept my hand out of the biscuit tin.I’d highly recommend couch 2 5k. It really can get anyone jogging if followed, and it’s free to do. You’ll be really surprised how easy it is once you get started.
Regarding changing your habit/diet, it takes around a week for your body to adjust to a new routine, so if you can make it though that period without lapsing it suddenly becomes a whole lot easier after that.