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My previous cat, Bob Marley went missing for at least 3 days. Mrs filly was out every night calling him to no avail, printed off flyers and taped them to lamp posts. The house 3 doors down was empty and up for sale. She went round the back and noticed a cat flap, she opened the flap and called him and he appeared, the flap opened inwards but not outwards. After getting him home he had a good feed and a sleep. Next day he went to jump up onto the worktop (not something I encouraged) as he'd done hundreds of times before, but he didn't realise he'd been weakened by his 3 or 4 days without food and hit the cupboard nose on about 4 inches below the worktop before sliding to the floor. Never saw him on a worktop after that.
I am delighted to say we've got her!

Wow, that is great news :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:

many years ago I was out walking the dogs with my Mum and Tansy chased a squirrel, disappeared into the trees and was gone.

we spent until after dark trying to find her -so I know how horrible it is.
she ended up over 2 miles away and went to somebodies house who let her in, looked after her and notified the police.
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My Lily and her mate Charlie while out for a walk see some Kangaroos both of them bolted after them into the forest . Lily was only 6 or 7 months old. After an hour could not find them. More worried a Kangaroo kick would kill either one of them. If not then there was plenty of snakes.. They both emerged after an hour together.
My previous cat, Bob Marley went missing for at least 3 days. Mrs filly was out every night calling him to no avail, printed off flyers and taped them to lamp posts. The house 3 doors down was empty and up for sale. She went round the back and noticed a cat flap, she opened the flap and called him and he appeared, the flap opened inwards but not outwards. After getting him home he had a good feed and a sleep. Next day he went to jump up onto the worktop (not something I encouraged) as he'd done hundreds of times before, but he didn't realise he'd been weakened by his 3 or 4 days without food and hit the cupboard nose on about 4 inches below the worktop before sliding to the floor. Never saw him on a worktop after that.
That happened to my last cat - a one-way catflap. The people living there were on their way back from a week's holiday - luckily as I found out from their neighbours. They came home to find my cat asleep on one of their children's beds and me knocking on the door apologising.

They can get weak quite quick cats, something to do with kidneys packing up. Same reason fat cats have to go on a gentle weight loss diet - too strict too quick and can cause damage or kill em :(
I had a very happy Father’s Day. I got a stinky French cheese selection box delivered to me yesterday from my daughter, a bottle of craft Gin from my son and a smile and a cuddle from my 17 month old grandson who I last saw before the lockdown. :mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen:
My Lily and her mate Charlie while out for a walk see some Kangaroos both of them bolted after them into the forest . Lily was only 6 or 7 months old. After an hour could not find them. More worried a Kangaroo kick would kill either one of them. If not then there was plenty of snakes.. They both emerged after an hour together.
Took my parents dog into thick woods in Cornwall and he chased a deer. Spent an hour walking around, calling him before heading back to my van all stressed and sad. Found him there in the car park being fed picnic by some family without a care in the world!

Rotten t...wt..
He would live 5 doors down from the house we were thinking of buying before the lockdown. It's just sold now so I think that's a lucky escape tbh.
Took my parents dog into thick woods in Cornwall and he chased a deer. Spent an hour walking around, calling him before heading back to my van all stressed and sad. Found him there in the car park being fed picnic by some family without a care in the world!

He would live 5 doors down from the house we were thinking of buying before the lockdown. It's just sold now so I think that's a lucky escape tbh.
Indeed...People who would shoot a defenceless domesticated animal are very worrying and best avoided.
food shopping and painting - that was my day.

Clearing new neighbours off the hard standing at the front of house as Decorator is coming in the morning and the neighbours work late hours.
Took my parents dog into thick woods in Cornwall and he chased a deer. Spent an hour walking around, calling him before heading back to my van all stressed and sad. Found him there in the car park being fed picnic by some family without a care in the world!
Many years ago when I was about 8 years old, we went on holiday to the Isle of Wight and in those days, your dog came on holiday with you. We stayed in a guest house about 2 miles from the sea so we drove there and back every time. One day we realised we didn’t have the dog with us and spent hours looking for her. Me and my sister were crying so my dad took us and my mum back to the guest house and he was going to go back out. When we got back, the dog was sitting on the doorstep waiting for us and she had never walked that route before! Same dog, another time, me and my dad went fishing over Wanstead and after we had been home some time, we realised the dog wasn’t with us. We rushed back to Wanstead and when we parked up in the same spot, our dog came out of a ditch wagging its tail! I know that looks bad on us as dog owners but in those days, you let your dog out the street in the morning and it came home at night. Honest! That dog was called Susie. When she died we got another dog and called her Susie too. 40 years on, my current dog is called.....yep, Susie. :LOL:

She would often chase Wallabes and Kangaroos as there were alot round my way... Once chased a small dingo. It run past my feet and scared the shii out of me. From the start I never put her on a lead.Maybe I should have.. But it was the best thing I could have done. As she is obedient 99% of the time.
We had a small lake down the bottom where I would walk her every night... This one night she run in front of me. I then see a snake comeing towards me on the path. Not coming for me but escaping... Lily obviously had already jumped over it then come running back to me. I tried to stop her but she jumped over the snake again... Not a big one, and guessed it was not poisonous. But it may have been.
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