What have you had for dinner

  • Thread starter Deleted member 294929
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Deux poussins et un tas de purée de pommes de terre mélangée à du persil, des légumes et un peu de sauce...très tasty. :p
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We had beef for a change yesterday, the uncooked, and frozen left over, from a previous beef joint. It turned out beautifully tender and succulent, this time, even better than the previous half. Plenty of cooked beef left over, so rather than freeze it, we are cutting it into strips, adding some stir-fry veg and Chinese stir-fry sauce, which I have just collected from Lidl, to make - yes, you guessed it, a beef and vegetable stir-fry.

Whilst at Lidl, I collected a second sour dough loaf, having all enjoyed the first one, last week. I cut that into slices, then (apart from 4 slices) popped it in the freezer. Whilst doing that, the dog was hopping from one foot to the other, wanting a sample, so I buttered 4 slices and gave her one, three for me. I love my bread, if it's nice..

We've just noticed, that the sour dough loaf, was a freebie today - using the Lidl Plus app. Tasted even better, for being free :)
Spaghetti con salsa segreta fatta in casa, spolverati con abbondante parmigiano e insalata verde a parte: molto munchy. :mrgreen:
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I would not thank you for that!
perché no? :unsure:

In the same year Derby County won the league for the first time, we set off on a camping tour around Europe, finding our way to the Dolomites where an avuncular old boy and his wife were in the process of building their restaurant at the end of a dusty track, high in the mountains. While i played football with a couple of locals, he told my dad he was a member of the resistance in his youth...true or not, i have no idea, but i do know the meal they treated us to that night was one of the finest i ever tasted. She served this sauce in the kind of pot your granny used to soak the laundry - or bath the baby - and the flavour was like nothing i'd ever had before...or since. Tomatoes and basil, garlic and rosemary, and an aroma that filled your senses. Another pot of similar size was full to the brim with spaghetti. I even took a taste of the dark red wine from one of the seemingly endless supply of bottles that filled the table where baskets of bread were kept filled til the early hours. Man, the Italians know how to eat! We didn't bother putting up the tent that night, just crashing on camp beds and sleeping under the stars. An unforgettable night - i just wish i could remember where that place was!
When people say "pasta is good for you", I usually reply "Not unless you put something bad for you on it, to make it taste of something" (y)
Same with noodles, and rice to a degree.
But a dose of Nuoc Mam gives the rice some flavour.
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