Where will this migrant crisis end?

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28 Oct 2005
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United Kingdom
Personally I can't begin to guess.
Obviously they can't be kept out as their numbers will soon run into tens of thousands.
So if they do get into Europe - then where will they go?
Germany doesn't want them - even though they invited them in.
Will it end in the collapse of Europe?
Give us your prognosis.
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Where will it end?

At a fence somewhere?

Foreign nationals, trying to forcibly breach another country's borders.......

I know the point is being made that they are desperate, that they're fleeing a war (some of them, anyway).

What will be said if they're not happy in their promised land, and start smashing that up?
Will the "desperate" tag still be applied?
Where will this migrant crisis end?

Britain, of course.
I do think Germany is storing up future problems. Isis/ Isil, have said they are managing to get their operatives into Europe by sending them along with these supposed asylum seekers.. If this is true then one day Germany is going to wake up to a bloodbath in a major city.
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Merkel needs her sanity checking. She's invited the whole of the Middle East to live in Germany.
This crisis will end when the countries who are fueling the conflicts which are producing so much misery are forced to accept responsibilty for the human fallout caused by their actions.
Saudi Arabia for one should open its doors to refugees,Since the Syrian Civil war began they have not accepted any refugees, some sources claim that there there are 100's of 1000's of Syrians in Saudi Arabia but these are guest workers from before the Syrian Civil war , so instead of the 900km fence with underground sound detectors which the Saudis are constructing why dont they let their fellow sunni muslims in.
Where will this migrant crisis end? It will end with the complete islamification of Europe, that's where. There's obviously a secret plan to divert people from the failings of The EU and the Euro among other motives. The EU and European governments will use the rising terror threats to enact draconian legislation that the indigenous people will lap up readily in the hope that it will keep them safe. Having aliens v Europeans will be a classic case of divide and rule. Will get even more interesting when differing sects of the aliens fight each other as already happens in Germany.

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I do think Germany is storing up future problems. Isis/ Isil, have said they are managing to get their operatives into Europe by sending them along with these supposed asylum seekers.. If this is true then one day Germany is going to wake up to a bloodbath in a major city.
Never mind Germany, it will happen here. I'm sure of it.
I do think Germany is storing up future problems. Isis/ Isil, have said they are managing to get their operatives into Europe by sending them along with these supposed asylum seekers.. If this is true then one day Germany is going to wake up to a bloodbath in a major city.
An Islamic fanatic was shot dead today in Berlin after he stabbed a policewoman.
I do think Germany is storing up future problems. Isis/ Isil, have said they are managing to get their operatives into Europe by sending them along with these supposed asylum seekers.. If this is true then one day Germany is going to wake up to a bloodbath in a major city.
An Islamic fanatic was shot dead today in Berlin after he stabbed a policewoman.

He was jailed in 2004 in Germany for his part in a terror plot and also found guilty in 2008 of plotting to kill the Iraqi PM. Serious questions need to be asked why this nut job is free to wander around European cities. The authorities have blood on their hands. However, with millions flooding in, the odds are that there are legions of newly arrived psychos, just waiting for their 15 mins of fame and quota of virgins.

The photo of him in the article should have been a warning. When they sport the comedy beard and do the finger in the air thing (presumably pointing it up allah's a.h.) you know there's going to be trouble.

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I do think Germany is storing up future problems. Isis/ Isil, have said they are managing to get their operatives into Europe by sending them along with these supposed asylum seekers.. If this is true then one day Germany is going to wake up to a bloodbath in a major city.
An Islamic fanatic was shot dead today in Berlin after he stabbed a policewoman.
Hang on. Before we jump to conclusions, how many white fanatics have stabbed policewomen?

Just wanted to beat the apologists to it!
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