Where will this migrant crisis end?

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The young chap in that video sounds like someone got a time machine & went back & recorded Pat Condell when he was younger....
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Question time audiance's today are more like performing seals, they will clap at anything.
Question time audiance's today are more like performing seals, they will clap at anything.
Especially if it has a left wing bias.
Of course I believe the BBC when they are perfectly impartial when it comes to audience selection (!).
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We've been talking about reporters (not just the BBC - they all do it) being biased in their reporting; laying it on thick, presumably to stir up emotion and attract a bigger audience (money talks, after all).
What I'd like to see is some completely honest and impartial reporting and programming. Neither left wing nor right wing, neither wishy-washy apologist nor hard-hearted xenophobic. Just clear and simple reporting of the facts.
Everybody has opinions, and there's nothing wrong with that (as long as they agree with me!), but if you are a news programme, stop trying to change people's opinions. Leave that to the party political broadcasts.
They do seem to be a bunch of young, fit ingrates.

Even I must assume they have left behind their families.
They interviewed one in the 'jungle' a while back and he said he missed his wife and children - and hoped to go back one day.
That one thing yesterday showed what these people are really like and what they will bring with them. Those Hungarians know a thing or two.
I admire the Hungarians. I'd never before thought of them as being particularly brave, but they are daring to do what most other nations dare not - especially us.

What the hand-wringers tend to forget when they criticise Hungary, is that it is far from a wealthy country. Not long freed from the Soviet yoke, it has a large, poor, rural population. Thinking about it, what does Hungary do or produce, apart from goulash, to keep it's economy going.? When I visited a few years ago and asked a Hungarian in a bar I was drinking in what Hungary actually does, he struggled for answers. In light of this, Hungary's stance on the migrants is even braver, as it is likely to be The EU that is it's paymaster.
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They interviewed one in the 'jungle' a while back and he said he missed his wife and children - and hoped to go back one day.
Which, roughly translated, means: he'll wait until he has the right papers and then he'll bring his wife and kids over. He'll qualify for more handouts then, as well.
As Joe say any bodies guess where it will end but perhaps a good example may be Lebanon . That used to be a peaceful , pleasant and largely Christian country but immigration and a civil war has changed that forever and the country is fractured along religious lines.
Tensions are already rising between the old Yugoslav enemies. Wouldn't be surprised if the migrants kick off a new war in the area.
As Joe say any bodies guess where it will end but perhaps a good example may be Lebanon . That used to be a peaceful , pleasant and largely Christian country but immigration and a civil war has changed that forever and the country is fractured along religious lines.
Enoch Powell predicted all those years ago that we'd have inter-racial unrest, and he was right. Although all immigrants are not bad, far from it, there is no doubt that the 'multicultural experiment' has failed. I have not seen any 'rivers of blood' yet, but I know that there is underlying mistrust and even hatred between some different cultures in Britain today. Admitting even more members of a particular culture/religion is likely to exacerbate such matters.
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