Where will this migrant crisis end?

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Islam is not compatible with the west - never will be - end of!
Fundamentally, they do not actually believe in either freedom or democracy, which is what we stand for, and have a tendency to be offended (and demonstrate accordingly) at anything we do they don't like.
And, as stated - don't believe for one microsecond that IS covert Jihadi's are not amongst the "refugees" - they clearly stated this would be used to their advantage, but no checks are made.

It's the elephant in the room that our beloved politicians absolutely refuse to see, despite the fact it's in their face and has been for years.
I think Hungary are doing the right thing - at least they have some nuts........
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It's all the usual double standards and sheer hypocrisy...
Try and build a church in a Muslim country and see how far you get? Or, let your women walk around without being covered "appropriately"..

However, when they come here they say it's their religious right to be able to have a mosque and pray!!
They use our freedom of speech to protest about freedom of speech - you really couldn't make it up!

I really do hate to say all this, as I REALLY do wish we could all live in peace. It's the year 2015, not 2000 bc.......but some insist on living in the past.
I could not believe the scenes from the Hungarian border yesterday. Prevented from entering Hungary, the "refugees" demanded to be let in, DEMANDED FFS!
And when that didn't happen, they had the audacity to start a proper riot, with stones, violence and fires. It looked like a a normal day back in [insert middle eastern country here]

I could not believe the actual cheek of it.

And then it occurred to me, that if these same people eventually make it to the promised land in Europe, and settle into their little isolated communities as normal, then what happens if they don't get something else they want?

That one thing yesterday showed what these people are really like and what they will bring with them. Those Hungarians know a thing or two.
You just need to look into what's happened in Sweden.
Rape capital of the world, Muslim no go areas (even the police and emergency services don't like to enter)

And, as above - yes, they just love being offended and protesting.
"When in Rome" is something they are not capable of.
I liked how the rioters at the Hungarian border were holding up their young kids to show their streaming eyes from the tear gas. The question should be, what kind of a parent has their toddlers in amongst a riot anyway?

Looks like the similar tactics that the Palestinians use with their own kids in the line of fire, just for affect.
I liked how the rioters at the Hungarian border were holding up their young kids to show their streaming eyes from the tear gas. The question should be, what kind of a parent has their toddlers in amongst a riot anyway?

Looks like the similar tactics that the Palestinians use with their own kids in the line of fire, just for affect.

It's the usual propaganda..
As unfortunate as it was with that small child washed up on a beach, they were economic migrants. They were from Turkey, not Syria. They caused the death of their child - not us.
These "refugees" - if they are genuinely escaping war and persecution would breath the biggest sigh of relief ever at reaching the first "safe" country. However, once they arrive they then go "country shopping". From that point onwards they become economic migrants and not refugees...

Don't even get me started on Palestine and Hamas........another bit of propaganda that no-one sees.
I mean, you just gotta love how they hide the rocket launchers and ammunition in schools and public buildings, knowing full well the Israeli rockets will track where theirs came from and return fire! So, they are getting their own civilians killed on purpose, so they can say "Look what Israel just done!!"

Not forgetting of course that Hamas are a known Islamic terrorist organisation...
That one thing yesterday showed what these people are really like and what they will bring with them. Those Hungarians know a thing or two.
I admire the Hungarians. I'd never before thought of them as being particularly brave, but they are daring to do what most other nations dare not - especially us.
I liked how the rioters at the Hungarian border were holding up their young kids to show their streaming eyes from the tear gas.
And making sure to draw the attention of the reporters and their camerapersons. Yes, I saw it: "Look, look Mr Reporter, what the barbaric Hungarians have done to us" (or words to that effect). They know the importance of tugging at the heartstrings of the naïve.
The Hungarians have just stood up for themselves and been honest.
They are not particular lovers of Muslims and don't want the identity / culture of their country either diluted or interfered with. You'll probably find the Slovaks and Czechs to be the same.
Shame nobody else has a spine - but hey, we're used to it I suppose.
That one thing yesterday showed what these people are really like and what they will bring with them. Those Hungarians know a thing or two.
I admire the Hungarians. I'd never before thought of them as being particularly brave, but they are daring to do what most other nations dare not - especially us.

The Polish are ready to explode over this too though at the moment they are fortunate that Poland isn't on the route to the promised land but once Germany starts doling out their surplus muslims to the Eastern states, there will be trouble.. I have a couple of Polish friends who really are warming to UKIP.. I am a little surprised at Serbia allowing them in, after all there is no love between the Serbs and the muslims, I'd have expected the Serbs to have used the migrants for target practice though it may be best to take out the reporters from the BPC and Sky first
Talking of Serbia and the Balkan war, did anyone else see the documentary suggesting that the seeds of ISIS were sown during the Balkan war and the atrocities carried out by the muslims that were glossed over by the media?
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