World on fire / boiling/ burning etc

A healthy body temp is 36-37 deg C.

Where does the belief that any air temp higher than that is dangerous come from???
Dunno. Maybe it's all made up, eh...?

The number of child hot car deaths for 2022 was 33. So far in 2023, 14 deaths have been reported. On average, 38 children under the age of 15 die each year from heatstroke
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Who cares what science says anyway?

I own a few acres of woodland that has never spontaneously combusted.

I'm just guessing here, but I don't for one minute think that you have actually witnessed . . .

because they are actually quite rare.
Believe what you like.

Is your woodland, by any chance, in the UK?

The grassy coastal areas I am referring to are in South America. I've probably got some photos somewhere.
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