And some say MP's are lazy work shirking buggers…

The median annual earnings in the United Kingdom was 34,963 British pounds per year in 2023. Annual earnings varied significantly by region, ranging from 44,370 pounds in London to 31,200 pounds in the North East.
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The latest government data (August 2024) reveals that the mean average UK weekly wage (including bonuses) across all industry sectors (in England and Wales) is £690 gross. That's the equivalent to an annual pre-tax salary of £35,880.

But it doesn't give figures for London.

34900 or 35880. Not much different
Now here's an interesting thing. Andy won't like it so he will try to pretend facts don't exist

"Labour’s cash from private donors now dwarfs donations from unions, while the Tories got their biggest bung ever"

£20 from me or a million from some Tory oligarch.

Which is buying favours and influence?

Good to see you've returned.

Looking forward to an adult and sensible response from you

Without much hope.
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Is John D talking to himself now? Not making much sense at all as usual

Here is a hint is about the current government. You know the labour lot.
Who could have seen that coming?

What a dummy andy is.
Why would you quote the Median?

As you already know, the arithmetic mean of wages or wealth gives a false impression when there is a tiny number of very, very highly paid or wealthy individuals.

To get an idea of what the ordinary person earns, median is a better indicator.

That's why deciles are used.
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