And some say MP's are lazy work shirking buggers…

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What about the Bus driver, why shouldn't he earn the same as the train driver or the Marine Pilot, with vastly greater responsibility. Both of those have to steer.

and battle constant traffic, you cannot relax for a second, behind the wheel. Even when at the bus stops, they are dealing with fares, passengers, and their needs. Worth treble what they pay train drivers, able to relax and almost fall asleep in the cab - they even have/need equipment fitted, to remind them to stay awake.
A recent report said the average train driver was 46 years old, male and white.

Probably a shortage of those in London then.

The fact is, that the railways have strong powerful unions, and rail transport is an essential service, with little competition, basically a job for life. As such, they can pretty much name their own salaries for the job. Prior to the 1960's, the salaries paid to rail workers, were much more realistic - I know, because my father and many of his relatives worked on the railways.

The fact is, the railways are able to hold the country to ransom, so they take full advantage of it.
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Of course and the Unions want their money for loyally supporting Labour.
Of course and the Unions want their money for loyally supporting Labour.
Labour received significantly less from trade unions than it did in the 2015, 2017 and 2019 elections.
Who gave what

Fact is they have gained from business as well. Probably not globals.

Actually within a union people can opt out of the political levy
Of course and the Unions want their money for loyally supporting Labour.
And we get back to why we need unions.

People like mbk want to sack anybody for any reason. Including somebody who turns up and says " I will do that job for less"
People are generally opting out of union membership..

And we get back to why we need unions.

People like mbk want to sack anybody for any reason. Including somebody who turns up and says " I will do that job for less"
literally talking nonsense.

Why do the top earners have the least secure jobs.

It's for the employee to turn it to his advantage, so that the next employer is saying "I will pay you more if you join me".

If you don't earn enough - the only person who can do something about it, is you.
People are generally opting out of union membership..

literally talking nonsense.

Why do the top earners have the least secure jobs.

It's for the employee to turn it to his advantage, so that the next employer is saying "I will pay you more if you join me".

If you don't earn enough - the only person who can do something about it, is you.
I'm quoting your own words.

If it's nonsense, it's your nonsense. Own it !
no you're very confused as usual.

What would you do if you wanted more money for your work?
no you're very confused as usual.

What would you do if you wanted more money for y

No I'm suggesting market forces dictate pay.

I'm happy for my boss to sack me if he can find someone who can do it better for less. I am also happy that I can leave, if I can find an employer who will be paying me more for the same.
Who is confused?

own it. You said it
Do you think a tesco worker can work harder and get paid more?

A warehouse worker?

A mechanic?

A care worker?

A Policeman/woman?

A member of the Armed Serices?

Or are they employed on take it or leave it conditions ?
whataboutery noted.
The question was - What would YOU do if you wanted to earn more money.
I'm fully confident if we had no unions, all employers would treat their staff with the utmost respect and ensure their pay and conditions only ever improved year on year ...

<sarcasm mode off>
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